Grid Support for Change Commit

Note: Except when noted, other functions of the Change Commit Grid are similar to those for the Base Commit Grid.

The Grid for the Change Commit Business Processes of Summary Payment Application (SPA) SOV type enables you to add:

The first column (Gear menu) provides the following options:

When you click the "Modify Committed Line Item ..." option, the Commit Line Picker window opens. Follow the prompts to select a Commit Line Item from SOV to insert in the Grid.

The columns in the Change Commit grid are similar to the Base Commit grid. Alongside Item Quantity, Item Unit Cost, and Amount are the following new columns:

The remainder of the columns display based on the form design established in uDesigner.

Total Amount Row

Similar to a Base Commit grid, a total amount row (at the bottom of the Grid) displays the Total Line Item Amount of all the Summary Line Item rows.

Form Validations

All form level validations at the system and user-defined levels are done once the Save option is selected in the toolbar.

For Lump Sum validations, the Costed Amount must be the same as the Line Item Amount for the Cost Line Item Type.

For Unit Cost validations, the Costed Quantity must be the same as the Line Item Quantity for the Cost Line Item Type.

Selecting and Modifying Line Items

You can use the "Item Quantity" and "Amount" to enter "Change Quantity" and "Change Amount" when modifying the Committed Line Items.

When you select "Modify Committed Line Item ..." option, the Committed Line Item Picker window opens to allow you to select the Line Item that you want to modify. The behavior of a line item selection is similar to the one seen when line items are added through selecting the Modify Committed Line option in Form View. You can select any Summary Line Item, from this window. Once you select the Line Item, the following occurs:

The following Costed Line Items, below the Commit Line Item, are copied into the Change Commit Line Item:

If you select a Costed Line Item instead of a Summary Line Item, and you select Costed Line Item from the Commit Line Item Picker window, then you will add the parent Line Item, along with all the child distribution Line Items, into the Change Commit Line Item.

The short description field of the Change Commit Line Item updates the SOV sheet.

Gear Menus for Modify Committed Line Item > Summary Line Item

The following explains the functions of the Gear menus when you select the Modify Committed Line Item > Summary Line Item and click the Gear menu (in the first column).


Enabled/ Disabled


Insert Line Item…


If you highlight a Committed Summary Line Item and click this option, then the system inserts another Committed Summary Line Item row above the highlighted row.

Insert Multiple Line Items…


If you highlight a Committed Summary Line Item and click this option, then the system inserts multiple Committed Summary Line Items.

Modify Committed Line Item…


If you highlight a Committed Summary Line Item and click this option, you will launch the Commit Line Item picker, and you can select the Summary Line Item for insertion.

Insert Costed Line Items…


If you highlight a Committed Summary Line Item and click this option, then, you can add Costed Line Items below the highlighted row.

Add Remaining…


If you highlight a Committed Summary Line Item and click this option, then the system launches the CBS Picker window.

When you select the CBS code, the system adds a Costed Line Item, with the Short Description field auto-populated from the Short Description of the Summary Line Item, and the system calculates the value in the Amount field as Non Costed Amount - Costed Amount.

This option is disabled when the Costed Amount = Amount in the Costed lines.



(until you perform a Copy)

If you highlight a blank row and perform a Paste action, then the system inserts the Committed Summary Line Item and the Costed Line Item above the highlighted Line Item.



If you highlight a Committed Summary Line Item and click this option, then you copy the Committed Summary Line Item and the associated Costed Line Items.



If you highlight a Committed Summary Line Item and click this option, then the Committed Summary Line Item and all the associated Costed Line Items are removed.

Gear Menus for Modify Committed Line Item > Costed Line item

The following explains the functions of the Gear menus when you select the Modify Committed Line Item > Costed Line Item and click the Gear menu (in the first column).


Enabled/ Disabled


Insert Line Item…


You cannot add a Summary Line Item when a hierarchical relationship exists between the Costed Line Item and a Committed Summary Line Item.

Insert Multiple Line Items…


You cannot add a Summary Line Item when a hierarchical relationship exists between the Costed Line Item and a Committed Summary Line Item.

Modify Committed Line Item…


You cannot add a Committed Summary Line Item from an SOV sheet when a Costed Line Item is highlighted.

Insert Costed Line Items…


If you highlight a Costed Line item and click this option, then you can add additional Costed Line Items below the highlighted row.

Add Remaining…


You can perform this action for Committed Summary Line Items, only.



(until you perform a Copy)

You can paste a Costed Line Item within the Summary Line Item. For example, if you copy the Costed Line Item 1.1 from the parent Line 1, then the copied Costed Line Item can be pasted under Line 1, only. Renumbering of the Costed Line Items occurs automatically.

You can paste Costed Line Items that have the same source and destination.



If you highlight a Costed Line Item and click this option, then the highlighted Costed Line Item is copied.

You can copy multiple Costed Line Items and insert them below the highlighted/selected Costed Line Item.

The copied Costed Line Items must belong to the same Summary Line Item.

You cannot copy Costed Line Items that belong to different Summary Line Items.


Enabled or Disabled depending on the case

Case 1: A new Costed Line Item that does not exist in the SOV sheet:

If you highlight the Costed Line Item and click this option, then Costed Line Item will be removed.

Case 2: The Costed Line Item exists in the SOV sheet:

This option is disabled if you select a Committed Costed Line Item (the Costed Line Item exists in the SOV sheet).

Column Details Specific to Cost Allocation

The following provides the details specific to the Cost Allocation.

Log Column


Cost Code

Required and editable within the Grid. You can select a Cost Code from the Cost Code Sheet, within the same Shell, by clicking inside the cell. Similar to the Line Items, you can enter a Cost Code in the cell and the system provides the matching Cost Codes for you to choose from. You cannot change the Cost Code of an existing Line Item that originates from an SOV sheet.

Code Name

Read-only. The value in this field is auto-populated by the system according to the Cost Code that you have selected.

Short Description

Editable. The default value in this field is auto-populated by the system according to the Line Item "short_desc" field. You can update/modify the default value.

Current Quantity

Read-only. You can see the column and the values if 1) You select the Modify Reference Commit option and 2) The Commit Line Item = Unit Cost in the Cost Line Item type: uuu_cost_li_type. If the two conditions are satisfied, then the system auto-populates the value in this column as "Quantity" (from the source Commit distribution line).

Current Scheduled Value

Read-only. The system displays this column and populates the value (regardless of the uuu_cost_li_type). The value in this column is populated when you modify an existing Line Item, from the SOV sheet, only.

Item Quantity (Change Quantity)

Read-only if uuu_Cost_li_type = Lump Sum. Editable if uuu_cost_li_type = Unit Cost. You can enter the Costed Quantity.

Amount (Change Amount)

Editable if uuu_cost_li_type = Lump Sum. You can enter the Costed Amount. The system calculates the value as "Change Quantity * Unit Cost" if uuu_cost_li_type = Unit Cost. The value of the Unit Cost must be according to the Detail Form (uuu_unit_price). If DE is missing, the value will be zero.

New Schedule Value

Read-only. This column is populated when you modify an existing Line Item, from the SOV sheet, only. The value is calculated by the system as "Current Schedule Value + Change Amount".

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023