Attach Files to a Document-type BP from My Computer

This option allows you to attach files, from your computer or your local system onto a Document-type Business Process record.

After you select this option, the Upload Files window opens. You can add files to this list with the Browse button. This will open your system's file manager where you can select files to open.

You can either drag and drop files into the attachment list or use your system's file manager to add the files to the list. You cannot upload two files with the same name. After all files have been added, click Upload to add them to the attachment list in the Comments tab.

Note: The system does not attach folders. If you select a folder, the system attaches the contents of the selected folder, in a flat list.

By default, files attached to a business process are placed in the Unpublished Documents folder in the Document Management grouping node (Project/Shell > User mode > Document Management > Unpublished Documents).

A Publish Path data element can be designed in Business Processes to specify the automatic publishing of documents to a specified path and override the default. For details about automatic publishing of documents, see the Unifier Managers User Guide.

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023