Manually Creating a BP Record from the Master Log

If you have permission to create BP records, then you can go to the master log (Home workspace > Master Log - Business Processes grouping node).

Note: The name of the Master Log - Business Processes grouping node can be customized.

Auto-population and reverse auto-population are also supported for BP records that are created or edited in the master log.

Note: The default elements and fields (log layout, view, search, etc.) that are defined in the Standard Log determine the Standard user interface elements and fields of all logs.

The following BP records actions and functions are not supported in the master log:

There are specific conditions for creating workflow BP records and non-workflow BP records in the master log.

Creation conditions for workflow BP records:

Creation conditions for non-workflow BP records:

To create a BP record from the master log:

  1. Go to Home workspace.
  2. From the left Navigator, click the Master Log - Business Processes grouping node to expand it.
  3. Click to select a BP and open the BP log.
  4. Click the Create icon to open the New Record window.
  5. Select a value for the Business Process Origin field.

    The Details icon (), next to the Select Business Process Origin field drop-down list in the New Record window, lets you see a list of available options. The list on the left-hand pane is displayed according to your permissions. After you select an entry from the list and click Select, your selected option becomes the value of the Select Business Process Origin field of the New Record window.

    The Select Business Process field displays the BP that you have selected to create a new record for.

    The New Record window, for a BP, has a Select Workflow field which displays value if:

    • The BP is a non-Workflow BP.
    • There is only one Workflow schema available that you can choose.
  6. When finished, click Create.

Single Record Business Process in Master Log

A single record BP is available at the shell level, and it allows you to define additional shell attributes.

You can access the single record BPs, and their subsets, in the Business Processes functional node of the master BP log (Master Log - Business Processes grouping node), if you have permission. In the master log, you can access single record BPs and perform the following actions:

The Business Processes log (under the master BP log) displays the following information in columns:

Similar to other BPs in the master log, when you have permissions, you can perform the following actions (under the Actions option):

Users or Groups with View permission can:

All the Data Elements (DEs) that can be bulk updated are based on the integration settings.

When you bulk edit the single record business process records in the master log, you can update the common attributes across all shells or projects.

Additional Information about Single Record BPs, in Master Log

The following provides various scenarios related to the permissions granted to a user.

View permission for single record BPs, in master log will enable the user to view:

Bulk Edit permission for single record BPs, in master log will enable the user to bulk update:

The default values of the single record BPs, for the selected shell instances, from the master log.

You can navigate to updated single record BPs, in the master log, and verify that the default or existing values have been updated.

To attain a hard copy, or electronic copy, of the single record BPs in the master log, you can generate HTML, PDF, or custom format of the records by using the Print option.

For the single record BPs in the master log, you can view the following source information about the record information under the following columns:

The system will maintain the shell-level BP permissions, when displaying the single record BPs in master log. This ensures that you only edit the records that you are a member of its creators or record editors, per the pertinent list at the shell-level.

You can:

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023