Taking Action on your Task

To take action on your task, you can use the following sub-options of the Actions option:

For Action with Preview:

  1. Go to your Tasks log and Ctrl+click the tasks that you want to modify.
  2. Click Actions drop-down list and click to select Action Preview.

    The system opens the record that you have selected in a separate window.

  3. Modify the record.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click Close Window.

If your tasks have been accepted, the Action with Preview option will not be available.

For Action without Preview:

  1. Go to your Tasks log and Ctrl+click the tasks that you want to modify.
  2. Click Actions drop-down list and click to select Action without Preview to open the Action Without Preview window.

    The Action Without Preview window is divided into two panes:

    • Use the left-hand pane to edit the Upper Form of your business process and perform workflow action (Workflow Actions).

      Use the Workflow Actions to send records to the next step in the workflow, after completing the task, and assign record status such as pending, in-review, and so forth.

      The system automatically selects the checkbox under the Update column when you type into or modify a field. You can deselect it if you do not want to modify the field at this time.

      The system updates the field values if you click to select the checkbox under the Update column of that field.

      - If you change the value of a field and click to select the checkbox under the Update column of that field, the system will update the value of that field.

      - If you erase the value of a field (blank) and click to select the checkbox under the Update column of that field, the system erases the pre-existing value of that field.

    • Use the right-hand pane to preview the status of the task (Action Status).

      The Action Status indicates whether your update was a success or not (using a green check-mark symbol or a red x symbol, respectively), and a message explaining why an update has failed.

      You can use Action without Preview to create multiple shells using the Project/Shell Creation business process. The Action without Preview functionality in the Tasks log supports data elements such as Shell Location and Shell Template pickers (existing in the Upper Form) that are required for shell creation.

  3. When finished, click Close. The system will update the tasks.

For more information about editing business process records see Editing Business Process Records.

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023