Cost Type BP

The Cost type business process form enables you to track and manage cost information and interact with the Project/Shell cost sheet. Examples include base contracts or purchase orders, change orders, budget change requests, invoices, fund appropriations, and leases.

Additional cost-related functionality includes schedule of values (SOV) and payment applications.

In any change order (including change orders with Unit Cost-type Contract when the Unit Cost Contract option is selected), when you select a reference SOV, for selecting an SOV line item, Unifier uses the value of the Item Unit Cost field from the referenced SOV and makes the field read-only.

Cost type Business Process Form Sub-types

The Cost type BP form has several sub-types that are used to perform specific cost-type functions. The cost business process subtypes are:

Cost type Business Process Form and CBS Picker Values

The CBS Picker field can be found on Cost-type business processes, project or shell cost sheets, and on schedule activity forms, for selecting CBS codes.

When you create or update a BP record:

You can also auto-create a BP record with the CBS Picker value that matches a previously-defined query condition, at the source BP. This so you can automatically create records or line items by ignoring the filter conditions that are set for the destination BP. The query condition is defined in uDesigner.

For flat-structured cost sheet, the filters are applied to all nodes, and for the tree-structured cost sheet the filters are applied to the leaf nodes, and the summaries are displayed base on the rollups.

Note: Auto-population and Reverse Auto-population process will work in query defined conditions, in the CBS Picker.

When you create a new BP record by way of a CSV or Excel file import, or when you add a new line item through the line-item CSV or Excel file import, the system will retain the query defined conditions in the CBS Picker.

Note: All types of BPs that have picker DE will retain the query defined conditions in the CBS Picker, through CSV or Excel file import.

You cannot create a BP record if the picker DE is a required field, and the data that you have entered does not match the available defined query conditions in the picker.

When you create a new BP record with line item by way of REST V1 and V2 web services, or when you add a new line item through the REST V1 and V2 web services, the system will use the defined query conditions in the CBS Picker. If the CBS code provided in the RESTfull web services does not match the query conditions, then the record or line item creation will fail with an error.

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023