Line Item Type BP

The Line Item type business process form can:

The Line Item type business process form is also useful for collecting data that other (more restricted) types of business processes cannot collect. For example, while a Simple type business process form can be used to collect basic vendor information, a company-level Line Item type business process form can collect additional vendor information, such as multiple business addresses.

At the project level, you can use a Line Item type business process form to filter large numbers of company records into smaller lists of records that are more appropriate for a specific project.

The Line Item type business process form uses a separate detail form to enter line items, which then appear on a line item list at the bottom of the form.

For short line items, users can enter information directly into the line item list using a "grid view" of the list.

You can design the Line Item type business process form to accommodate line item status, so you can control modifications to individual line items based on their status.

The following are the sub-types of the Line Item type business process form:

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Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023