Text Type BP

The content of the Text type business process form is typically a text comment in the lower portion of the form.

Examples of text type BPs include:

You can view responses from other users who may have acted on the record at a given step while working on the record.

Note: The functions of the options presented below have been explained in the preceding sections. This section explains new functions and procedural differences.

A Text-type BP has the following tabs:

In edit mode, you can see the:

When you click on the Collaboration tab, you can enter the response in the input box.

When you are viewing the form, Unifier displays the General tab and the Response tab. You can filter the responses, based on user, by clicking on the Posted By drop-down list. Each of the responses received will be placed in a separate block, and no actions are permitted on these blocks.

When you want to update a record, the following tabs are displayed:

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023