Republishing DM Document from BP Record

When a BP type lets you select Republish if Publish Path is different from current location (Move or Copy), then:

Note: This option is not available for the Text-type BPs (since these types of BPs do not support attachments) and RFB BPs bidder upper action form.

You can change the Publish option (in the Publish to Document Manager section) in the BP record in any attachment that you add from the Document Manager (DM).

When you select the Publish option, then you can Move, or Copy, the attachment to a location (publish path as captured in the uuu_dm_publish_path). You can check Automatically select all existing Record and Line Item Attachments for Republish. The user can also Select all or deselect all attachments by checking or unchecking the check box in the column heading of the attachments grid.

If the uuu_dm_publish_path is the same as the current location of the file in DM, then the file in DM stays as is, and there will be no revision or republish.

If the uuu_dm_publish_path is different from the current location of file in DM, then:

For both the Move and Copy option, if the destination location already has a file with the same name as the file that is being moved or copied, then the existing file will be revised with the new file from the BP. And if:

If the user has the permission:

If the user does not have the permission:

If the uuu_dm_publish_path is blank, then:

When a BP record moves from one step to the next (in uDesigner the Publish Path is different from current location option is selected):

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023