SOV Summary Payment Application Business Process

View Mode

In View Mode, you can use the toolbar to Reload, Print, Find, Collapse, and Expand.




Allows you to add lines. When you click Add, a confirmation dialog will be displayed. After lines have been added, the Add button will be hidden.

Note: After lines have been added manually, the payment lines cannot be added through CSV import.


Allows you to import lines. After lines have been added, the Import button will be hidden.


Allows you to reload line items.


Allows you to print or export the entire summary sheet along with the costed lines (the line item summary and the associated costed line items). The sheet can be exported to CSV or Excel. The generated CSV or Excel sheet is for information purpose only.

Find on Page

Allows you to search the Summary Payment Applications SOV for specific line items.


Allows you to view only the Summary rows.


Allows you to view the Summary and the associated child rows. This will be the default view.

Summary Payment Applications SOV structure (columns)

The grid columns seen in the classic payment application will be as per the detail form design specified in uDesigner.

The grid also has a Total field, which appears at the bottom of the sheet, that displays the sum of all the lines.

Edit Mode

In Edit Mode, you can use the toolbar to Cancel, Error Check, Save, Find, Collapse, and Expand. Additionally, a checkbox option of Apply line item value of Percentage Complete to Date to Costed Lines will be visible on the right.




Allows you to exit Edit Mode.

Error Check

Allows you to check the sheet for errors.


Allows you to save any changes made to the sheet in Edit Mode.


Allows you to view only the Summary rows.


Allows you to view the Summary and the associated child rows. This will be the default view.

Locking of the Grid

In View and Edit mode, the system will automatically lock the grid after the first 5 columns. To lock another column while viewing or editing data, you can drag the column from the unlocked part of the sheet into the locked part of the sheet. This layout will not be saved into the database.

Total Mismatch Indicator

When the line item field value does not match the sum of costed line values, the line item cell displays a small red triangle to indicate that the totals do not match. When you click the small triangle, the system displays an information text and informs you of the differences. This is applicable only for the line item.

Multiple Payment Applications

If SOV restrictions are removed and multiple Payment Applications are detected, an Alerts icon will be displayed in the upper right corner of the window. When you hover over the icon, information about pending payments is presented.

Negative Change Orders

When the Payment Application grid is opened, the line items that will be modified because of a pending Negative Change order will have an Alerts icon in the Scheduled Value cell. You can click on the cell to view the details of the Change order. The Pending Change Orders with negative amounts screen will be displayed. The screen will include columns for the Business Process name, Record Number, Line Number, and Amount.

Updating Change Orders

When a change order that refers to the line item from SOV contains data about the change quantity (uuu_quantity) is created, and the quantity gets updated in the SOV sheet, the system will update the quantity changed (uuu_quantity) to the inflight payment record after SOV merge.

Related Topics

Import New Summary Payment Application Records

Import Summary Payment Application Line Items Into a BP

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023