Public Bidding

For public bidding, invitations are sent to the Vendors that you have selected from the Vendors business process (a company-level BP). The Vendors BPs can be found in Company Logs > User mode > Vendors BP.

The option for public bidding is set in uDesigner: Company Workspace > Admin mode > uDesigner; Selected RFB Business Process > Open > General > Options tab: Allow public bidding (no pre-defined bidders).

Public Bids: Requestor BP - Invite form

When you select the Invite option (from the menu icon), after the BP has been opened for public bidding, the Invite overlay page opens. The following blocks are displayed on the Invite overlay page:

The Invite overlay page has the following tabs (right-hand pane):

The emails that have been sent to the bidders are shown in the Mail tab, similar to the Private or Non-Public Bidding.

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023