Auto-creation Conditions

If you are using a condition-based auto-creation process, ensure that you allow enough time (depending on the number of running background jobs) for routing of the workflow.

When designing business processes, especially when you are designing the relation between the business processes, note that there can be only one auto-creation job per record.

When the workflow advances, Unifier schedules an auto-creation job and executes it with high priority. If the workflow advances again, before the auto-creation job is executed, then the application will not schedule a new auto-creation job.


Because of the general way that processes are organized and relate to each other, when you create a job, several factors come to play to determine the job processing time.

Regardless of the job prioritization (high priority or low priority), Unifier will hold, or delay, processing the succeeding job when a record is being updated concurrently (for example, through web service, RAP, or manual updates), until the current job, or auto-creation, is complete. In other words, if a record is updated manually and the record auto-creation is in progress, the next request that is submitted by way of “UpdateRecord” will not trigger an auto-creation procedure because the previous job must finish first.


When a workflow advances from step 2 to step 3, the auto-creation initiates and is in progress. When the workflow advances from step 3 to step 4, if Unifier detects that the first job was not completed, then the application will prevent the second job from completing (auto-creation will not take place for the subsequent job).

Additional Information about Auto-creation Conditions

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023