Query Based Data Element (QBDE) Evaluation

The Query Based Data Elements (QBDEs) are evaluated through one of the following ways:

  1. Based on the refresh conditions, when the record is opened (even from the draft).
  2. Based on the manual editing of the trigger elements, through user interface (this does not include the situation in which the record is initially created).
  3. Based on when the record is created. That is, the system evaluates QBDE values based on trigger element population, when a new record is created.

When you create a new BP record (creation step of a BP record), the system evaluates the QBDEs:

QBDE Evaluation in BP Records Created through CSV import or RESTful Services

The system evaluates the QBDEs when the trigger element is populated by way of a record that has been created through CSV, RESTful service (if the trigger element is entered in the input CSV request), BP templates, and Bypass I Step or S Step auto-creation.

QBDE Evaluation in BP Records Created through Auto-Creation

When a business process record is auto-created through Bypass I Step and S Step, the system evaluates the QBDE values in the auto-created records based on the trigger element population. When a trigger element is used for QBDEs, and the trigger element is auto-populated, the system evaluates the QBDE values in the creation step of the auto-created record.

In the case of Bypass I Step auto-creation, if the auto-created record resides in Initiation Step, the system does not evaluate the QBDEs.

The system evaluates formulas that use QBDE in the creation step of the BP form.

If the QBDEs are used in the workflow routing conditions, then the QBDE values will be populated in the log and view form (if they are added after the successful creation of records). In this scenario, the system evaluates the QBDE values after evaluating the auto-populated DEs and formula DEs on the form.

You can use the QBDEs in business processes in the workflow routing condition, which lets you determine the route of the workflow based on the value of the data element.

The system evaluates the formulas in QBDEs, in the creation step of a BP record.

The system will not evaluate the QBDE values based on trigger element population in BP records that have been created by way of copy (with or without attachments). For example, when you create a new Budget Item BP, you can view the QBDE Assigned Budget value, evaluated from the project cost sheet in the creation step.

In uDesigner, the trigger element "Contract No" is defined for QBDE in the "Assigned Budget" and is set to auto-populate from a constant value. (uDesigner > Business Processes > Budget Items > Upper Forms > ...)

You can view the QBDE in the "Assigned Budget" value when a new record is created--in creation step as a trigger element "Contract No" is populated.

Element Properties > Auto Populate > Auto Populate window > Source Name: Constant Value > Source Value: Contract > ... > Trigger Elements window > General tab: Contract No is a trigger element for QBDE Assigned Budget and is set to auto populate from constant.

When you create a new Budget Item BP record, the system evaluates the QBDE in the "Assigned Budget" value at runtime and displays the total amount (from project cost sheet column) based on the trigger element auto-population.

The system evaluates the QBDE values in the creation step of a BP record if the trigger element is auto-populated by way of any source such as a single record BP, shell attributes, and so forth.

The system evaluates the QBDE values for the BP records that have been created through the schedule BP creation template, whenever the trigger element is populated.

The draft BP records, in the creation step, can have their QBDE values re-evaluated only if the trigger element field is not null. The QBDE value will be populated in the BP log when the BP record is created or saved as draft.

See Also

Working with Query-Based Tabs

Using or Viewing a Query-Based Tab

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023