Auto-sequencing and Unique Values in Fields

The Administrator can specify values on business process upper or lower forms that enable auto-sequencing, or that specify unique values (upper form only). These features are available for both company-level and project-level business processes, and can be used on workflow and non-workflow business processes.


The Administrator can configure auto-sequencing for certain data elements on a business process form. This is in addition to the standard business process numbering, and allows the numbering of up to two fields on an upper form, and two fields on a lower form. For example, the Administrator can specify that a "Name" field uses auto-sequencing in order to number business processes that have similar names. Auto-sequencing generation occurs for the business process when you click:

The following explains how the auto-sequenced fields work:

In Unifier, you can generate sequence numbers based on the unique values of parameters that have been used in formatting the sequence number. You cannot modify the values of parameters once they have been generated.

If the data elements, or parameters, do not have values, then this type of sequencing number will not be generated.

The counter mechanism will increment based on the uniqueness of the value of the parameters.

Generating the sequence formatting is available for the following actions:

If you remove a sequence-based data element from configuration, then data will not be generated for any newly created BP records. The existing data will remain as is and will be read-only.

Unifier audits the data elements based on the SYS Auto Sequence.

When you create a BP record by way of the user interface:

The configuration of auto-sequence setup will be retained in BPs:

Unique values

The Administrator can configure unique value validation on data elements on business process upper forms.


If a business process has a field called Invoice, and should enforce that each invoice number is a unique string, this field can be configured to validate for a unique value. If you attempt to enter a string that is not unique (has been entered on another business process), you will get a warning message that an alternate value must be entered. Unique value validation occurs for the business process when you click:

Unifier does not generate the record number (the value in the “record_no” field) until the BP record is moved from the creation step to the next step in the BP workflow. As a result, at the creation step, the value for the “record_no” field in any formulas will be null.

Note: Unifier re-evaluates the values in the record number field within the Publish Path (uuu_dm_publish_path) and the Record Information Publish Path (uuu_dm_record_info_path) data elements, after the record number is generated.

At the upper form level, any form level validation that is defined in the design and involves the "uuu_attachment_count" field will be processed when you click Upload or after submitting the form.

Note: If the 'Sys Auto Seq' type data element is dependent on a value that is getting set only after the creation of the record, then Oracle recommends that you run an update call to update all of the line items to generate the auto-sequencing value.

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023