
Pickers appear as selection lists on business processes and other components. These pickers let the user choose elements such as dates, blanket POs, other users, companies, line items, funds, or currencies.

Some pickers are designed to display a structure to guide you to the correct location where a record resides, such as a specific project or a specific business process.

By using this additional structure, you can navigate more easily through your business process records to the one you want. The Cost Control base product uses the following pickers:



Account Code

Found on cost-type business processes for choosing company account codes.


Found on project- or shell-level business process forms for selecting activities from the master schedule sheet.

Note: Activity Picker is supported on Timesheet BP (Line Item Details form) and can be used for selecting activities from the Master Schedule Sheet.


For linking one business process to another (for example, to tie invoice business processes to purchase order business processes). Often, the field will be named something like Reference BP, although this is up to the designer of the business process. Depending upon the design of the form, some fields may be automatically populated when the referenced business process is selected.

Note: The business process list that you see will depend on your permissions. Users who do not have permission to view a BP that may be part of the business process picker list will not see that business process on the list.

Commit Line Item

Used when you create a new line item for a change commit business process. This picker displays a composite view of base commit and change commits. The data elements on the picker are reference, description, and CBS code.


For selecting a currency on a cost-type business process. If no currency is chosen by the creator of the record, the default is the project or shell currency. If there is not a Currency picker on the form, the currency defaults to the project or shell currency.


Displays an interactive calendar from which the date can be chosen. For some business processes, dates in Date pickers can be set to automatically default. For example, this defaulting can be useful in the case of entering a delivery date and having the date default to today's date rather than having to use the Date picker to get a date.

Date Only

Displays an interactive calendar from which the date can be chosen. This picker lets you select a date from the picker or enter a date into the field. This picker lets you choose the date only, with no associated time or time zone. For example, you would not need time and time zone for a date like an equipment purchase date. Also, for some business processes, dates in Date Only pickers can be set to automatically populate the server date. For example, this defaulting can be useful in the case of completing an equipment purchase and having the date default to today's date rather than have to use the Date picker to get a date.


On Cost business processes, for selecting which fund (from the company funding sheet) the business process will allocate funds to or consume funds from.


For selecting a shell.

Planning Item

For selecting a planning item at the company level.


For selecting a company-sponsored project. You can use this picker to auto-populate project data elements on other BP fields. The picker is designed to show Active, Inactive, View-Only, and On-Hold projects.

Project Template

For selecting a template to use to auto-create a project.


On time sheet, booking, or assignment business process, for selecting the resource to report on or assign. This picker always opens in Find mode and requires you to enter at least one search criteria, such as a name or a skill, to narrow the field of names to choose from. For time sheet business processes, use this picker to select the personnel to report time on. At runtime, the picker will default to read-only mode and show the current user's name, as the system assumes the user will be reporting his or her own time. However, depending on permissions, the picker can be editable to allow others, such as project managers, to complete time sheets on behalf of other workers.


On time sheet, booking, or assignment business processes or for resource allocation sheets. It allows you to choose the role to report on or assign. On time sheet business processes at the project level, it will filter out those roles that have already been booked for other projects


For selecting a company-sponsored shell to auto-populate shell data elements on other business process fields. The picker is designed to show Active, Inactive, View-Only, and On-Hold shells.

Shell Template

For selecting the template that should be used by a business process to auto-create a shell. The picker will show you a list of active templates that have been created for the shell.


For selecting project/shell users (members of a project team) or company users (all users defined within a company). See more information under User Picker and Group Picker.


On Cost-type business processes, project/shell cost sheets, and on schedule activity forms, for selecting CBS codes.


On Resource or Time Sheet business processes for selecting a specific week for reporting.

Work Package

On Cost-type business processes, for selecting a work package for a Cost Sheet. This picker is populated with the work packages that have been created.

The following lists all the pickers:

For the following details, for each picker, refer to the Unifier Data Reference Guide:

At run-time, when a record is selected for a BP Data picker, all the line items for referenced BP Line Item Data Picker that meet the query conditions defined on the Line Item Data Picker are displayed.

In the Action form, a line item data picker can be either editable or read-only.

In the View form, a Line Item Data Picker will be read-only.

If picker is read-only, the display element of the selected line item in previous step is displayed. If no line item is picked, or the display element does not have value, picker shows empty text box and is disabled.

Click the picker icon for BP Line Item Data Picker to view the detail forms of the source BP displayed as different line items.

Note: The tabs that are visible in the picker configuration are shown.

All the source line items within each tab that satisfy the query conditions are displayed.

The Toolbar options are:

Line item log for each tab is displayed as designed.

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023