Bypassing the Initiation Step (I-Step)

During the Business Process (BP) setup, the administrator can set up the auto-created workflow BP to skip the Initiation step and send the record directly into the workflow, where it normally arrives at the first step after the Create step (or the first step in a conditional routing).

Workflow BP

For a workflow BP, the administrator specifies the workflow schema to use, the step in the workflow that the record should use as its first step, the workflow duration, and the name of the person or group who will be the owner of the auto-created record. When the record is created, data will roll up to any applicable manager sheets (e.g., the cost sheet) at the appropriate status; however, if the systemencounters errors or invalid data, the record will remain at the Create step, and roll-ups will not occur until the user resolves the errors.

Non-workflow BP

For a non-workflow BP, the administrator can set up an auto-created record to skip the initiation step. In this case, the non-workflow BP will be created and will appear in the users' BP logs in either an "edit" or "finish edit" mode. If it appears in an "edit" mode, the user will have to open the record and add or correct information on the form. If it appears in a "finish edit" mode, the record is considered complete, and data will roll up to any applicable manager sheets.

Additional information about bypassing the I-Step

In the following scenarios, If the auto-creation of a change commit BP is set to "Bypass I-Step," the auto-created record will remain in I-Step and the element "refid" will remain blank:

In the above scenarios, since the "refid" is blank, no Line Items will get copied into the "Standard" tab of the auto-created Change Commit record.

Note: If any other tab in the "Change Commit" is configured to copy Line Items from the source, those Line Items will be copied.

You will be able to auto-create a "Change Commit" type BP from any type of BP Upper or Detail form.

For Workflow BP, when By Pass I-step selected, the following process takes place:

This flowchart depicts the workflow BP process that bypasses the I-step.

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023