Creating a BP Record from a Template

You can manually create BP records by copying a BP template, if you have created a business process template for a BP.

Creating a BP record from a template is similar to copying an existing BP record. Any values in any of the form fields on the template (either manually entered or auto-populated) will be copied to the new record. The line items, file attachments, and attachments to line items will also be copied; however, the other attached information, such as general comments, linked records, and linked Mailbox, will not be copied to the new form.

Note: The users who have been removed from a group, or the users who have been newly added to a group, will not be displayed in the Workflow page, when you create a BP record manually by way of a template.

To create a business process record from a business process template:

  1. Go to your shell or project and open the business process log.
  2. In the left Navigator, click a BP that you want to use.
  3. In the BP log page, click Actions (toolbar options).
  4. Click Create From Template option (available for all Workflow type BPs, only) to open the template list (<BP NAME> Template List) log or page. This page displays a list of templates, if available. In this page, the right pane has the following tabs:
    • General tab
    • Schedule tab

    Simple-type Business Processes: The system enables the Refresh auto-populated and calculated fields on record creation checkbox option if you use the Create From Template option to create a new template.

  5. Click Create (toolbar options) and enter values for the following fields, in the General tab:
    • Name
    • Description
    • Workflow
    • Copy Link Records

    In the General tab, enter a name for the BP template (in the Name field) and select a workflow (from the Workflow field drop-down).

    If the BP has only one workflow, the system selects that workflow automatically.

    If the BP has more than one workflow, a list of the workflows appears in the Workflow drop-down list field.

    The Cancel option lets you abort creating the template, cancel the changes, and reload the previous template properties.

    The Create option lets you save the template changes.

    For information about the Schedule tab, see below for more information.

  6. When finished, click Create. The new template will be displayed in the page.
  7. Select the template from the list and click Open (by using the gear icon or by double-clicking on the template). The BP form opens (Template - <BP NAME>). The data is populated based on the template. You can modify the data or enter additional data, where allowed. After you are finished, you can:
  8. Click Save to save the template.
  9. When the BP is ready to move to the next step, click Complete to send the workflow to the next.

    Note: You can save the record by clicking Save, which saves a draft of the record but does not affect the template.

You can double-click the newly created template (or an existing template) to open it for viewing.

If you have created a business process template for a BP, you can manually create BP records by copying the template. For instructions on creating BP templates and scheduling BP creation, see Creating BP Templates and Scheduling BP Creation.

The template list (<BP NAME> Template List) log or page contains the following toolbar options:

The template list (<BP NAME> Template List) log or page contains the following columns:

If there are templates created for the BP, then click to select a template and click Open (gear menu ). The BP form opens. The data is populated based on the template. You can modify the data or enter additional data.

If there are no templates created for the BP, then the "No Templates are available" is displayed. In this case, you need to create a template as described below:

The following gear menu options are available for the items in the template list (<BP NAME> Template List) log or page:

The options available for gear menu are context sensitive, based on the status of the template. The following gear menus are displayed when the template is in Draft status:

The following gear menu options are displayed when the template is in Complete status:

The following gear menu options are displayed when multiple templates, regardless of status, are selected:

Related Topics

Scheduling a Run

Template Status

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023