Changing Template Status (Draft and Complete)

Each template will either be in Draft mode or Complete mode. You can change the status of a template between the two statuses at any time. The template status controls whether a BP creation schedule can be defined.

If the template status is Draft, the template can be edited and used to manually create BP records. Required fields and assignee information can be left blank. Scheduled record creation cannot be performed.

If the template status is Complete, the Schedule tab in the right pane is activated and can be used to define and schedule automatic record creation. The form is no longer editable (unless changed back to Draft). Required fields and assignee information must be completed before the status can be changed to Complete.

To change the status of a business process template to Complete

  1. In User Mode, navigate to the log of the business process for which to edit the template. Click the Actions menu and choose Create from Template. The Template List window opens.
  2. Hover over a template, click the gear menu and click Open. The template form opens.
  3. Complete the BP form:
    • Complete all required fields.
    • Be sure the rest of the template form is filled out appropriately, including line items and attachments, if applicable. Remember that if you will be scheduling automatic record creation from this template, the information that you enter here will used for the creation step and sent to the first step in the workflow.
  4. Click Complete when finished. A validation check will verify that all required fields are filled out.
  5. After a successful validation check, the Workflow Action Details window will open.
    • Select a workflow action for the first step in the workflow. If there is only one option, the Workflow Actions field will be auto-populated.
    • Add users to the To and CC field.

When the status is Complete, the template form becomes view-only. If you have defined a record creation schedule in the Schedule tab, the schedule will be activated.

To change the status of a business process template to Draft

  1. In User Mode, navigate to the log of the business process for which to edit the template. Click the Actions menu and choose Create from Template. The Template List window opens.
  2. Open the template form.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. At the confirmation window, click Yes.

In Draft mode, the template form becomes editable. Scheduled record creation is disabled until you change the status back to Complete.

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023