Editing or Deleting a BP Template

Users with view permission to a business process log will be able to view any associated templates. The template form and properties can be edited by the owner or creator and by users with Modify Record Ownership.

Only the owner or creator of a template can delete it.

To edit a template

  1. In User Mode, navigate to the log of the business process for which to edit the template. Click the Actions menu and choose Create from Template. The Template List window opens.
  2. Open the template form.
  3. If the template has a Complete status, click Edit.
  4. The fields, line items, file attachments, and other data are editable. You cannot change the workflow after the template has been created.

To delete a template

In the Template List window, select the template click Delete from the toolbar, or hover over the template and click Delete in the gear menu . Click Yes to confirm.

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023