Filling Out a Business Process Form

To fill out a Business Process (BP) form:

  1. Complete the Upper form. Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) require an entry.
  2. Add line items, if applicable.
    • If this is a cost or line item-type BP add line items as necessary.
    • If this is a Document-type BP, attach any documents to the form.
  3. Add additional information, if applicable.
    • Comments.
    • Attachments to Comments.
  4. When you have completed the form, do one of the following:
    • If this is a non-workflow BP:
      1. Click Save to save your changes. Saving the form creates a permanent record.
      2. Click Submit to render the record in view-only mode.

        The system uses statuses to track the state of a business process record and any line items it may contain. For example, a Pending status generally means people are still working with the record, while a Closed status suggests the record is completed. Records in Closed status are typically marked as Terminal, meaning the record has reached a point where no further input is either required or desired. You can still access a non-workflow record in a terminal status if the record is in Edit mode. However, if you click Submit when the record is in a terminal status the record becomes permanently read-only and un-editable.

    • If this is a workflow BP:
      1. Click the Send button. At the Creation step, sending the form to the next step in the workflow creates a permanent record.
      • If the workflow is not yet complete, the form will be forwarded to the next step in the workflow.
      • If the workflow is complete (that is, your task was the last step of the workflow), the record will appear as complete in the business process log.
      1. When you send the form, the Workflow Action Details window will open. Select an action from the Workflow Actions drop-down list. Action selections depend on the BP design, for example, if this is a review step, an action that you may be able to select is "Approve Budget Approval." Selecting a Workflow Action activates the other fields of the Action Details. If there is only one possible workflow action for a step, the action is auto-populated in the field.
      2. In Action Details, designate assignees for the next step; that is, the users and groups who will receive the record as a task on the next step in the workflow. If the next step is the End step, then the To field will be preassigned.

      Use the Workflow Progress hyperlink, in the Action Details section of a Workflow BP, to open the Workflow Progress window and view the workflow progress status.

      When you accept the task, the form becomes editable. On the editable, or "action," version of a form (belonging to an accepted task), you can see the view form of the business process (Task Details). In the view form, you can view the Workflow progress status by clicking on the Workflow Progress tab in the right pane. This option is available for Workflow records of both company-level and Project-level BPs.

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023