Filtering the Line Item List

Some business processes can include many line items, and filtering the list of line items can make the form easier to use. To narrow the list of line items you see, you need to use Search function. The Search function will search for and display specific line items according to the criteria you specify.

To filter the line item list

  1. Open the BP form and click the Search icon (  search) in the line item tab.

    The window shows fields from the line item list, which you can use to narrow the list of line items you see.

    Each field shows an operator, such as "contains" or "equals," which you can use to specify more precisely which line items you want to see on the list.

    You can narrow the list of line items to show only certain class levels or cost categories.

  2. To specify search criteria, first choose the operator you want to use on the field, such as "equals," "does not contain," or "is empty".
  3. Enter the value the field should contain, or click the Select button and select the value from the list that appears.
  4. Click Apply.

    The system displays all the line items that met the search criteria you entered.

    If you choose to, you can cancel the filtering action by clicking [Cancel Search] in the log window, or by clicking Clear and then Apply in the Search window. The system will restore the list of line items to its unfiltered state.

The total amount displayed at the bottom of the screen lets you select:

Total Amount is defined as: Sum of the "Amount" field from across all the line items.

Filtered Total Amount is defined as: Sum of the "Amount" field from the line items which are the result of the Search criteria.

When a Search is active, then the option that you select from the drop-down will be the "Filtered Total Amount."

When the Search is canceled, then the system will default the option back to Total Amount. At any given point of time, you will be able to toggle between the two options.


Filtered Total Amount

Line #

Spend Category











If the Search parameter is set to "Spend Category = Labor," then after applying of the filter:

Total Amount = $600.00; (Option selected); Filtered Total Amount = $400.00

If the Search parameter is set to "Spend Category = Agreements," then after applying of the filter:

Total Amount = $600.00; (Option selected); Filtered Total Amount = $600.00

If the user cancels the Search, then:

Total Amount (Option selected) = $600.00; Filtered Total Amount = $600.00

Note: There is no page total. The user has the option to select between the above two mentioned totals.

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023