View a List of Referencing Records

The Reference and Linked Records section of the reference records window displays the reference records and the linked records associated with the BP record (both from the Upper form and Detail forms), but the graphical section of the reference records window does not display the linked records.

The grid section of the reference window lists all the linked records associated with the line items including the ones established by means of consolidation.

The record details of the consolidated line item are also displayed in the grid section, and you will be able to open the record from the grid.

To view a list of referencing records

  1. From the business process log, open the record.
  2. In the right pane, click the right arrow until you see the Reference Records tab. The Reference Records window opens.

The Reference Records window has two components, a graphical representation of the referenced records and a list. The records shown on this window include records from across shells.

The graphic displays:

The list displays:

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023