What you can do on the Reference Records Graphic window

With the Reference Records Graphic, you can:

This is an image of what the reference records graphic looks like when first opened. The parent record is highlighted in blue and the child records that are directly connected to the parent are displayed, with a gray arrow pointing to each child.

On the right pane is a log that displays all the visible referenced records, as well as linked records and line items. Each parent record has a list of all connected child records underneath, which can be collapsed or expanded by clicking the gray arrow next to the record name. The icon in the first column indicates the type of connection that exists between records. If it is a referenced record, a blue page icon is displayed. If it is a linked record, a blue link icon is displayed. If it is a linked line item, a yellow link icon Liked line item icon. is displayed.

From the graphic, you can open a record by double-clicking on it from the log or the graphic. In addition, if you have permissions, you can edit and take action on the record the same way you would by opening the record directly from a Unifier log. When you finish the edits and close the form, the system will return to the Reference Graphic window. The records you can edit must be at the same level as the focused record. If the referenced record that you open from the graphic resides at another level (such as in a different shell, project, or at the company level), you will not be able to edit it; it will open in view mode only, regardless of your permissions.


Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023