How the Data Pickers Work on a Reservation Business Process

The data pickers designed for Reservation business processes differ from most other data pickers in that they are very interactive: You can check availability and change reservation dates and times from the picker itself.

Note: This works best if you are reserving a single object, such as a room. If you are reserving multiple objects for the event, any time you change the date or timeframe for any one of the objects, Unifier will reflect that change for all the objects, and you are likely to encounter scheduling conflicts this way. To change the dates or time frames of multiple objects on a reservation, use the Schedules feature.

The data pickers for reservable objects show the object in a schedule-like window:

This is an example image of the reservation data picker.

To select a reservable object from the picker

Double-click the object you would like to reserve on the leftmost column.

To change a reservation time on the picker

At the top of the data picker window, the Reservation From and To fields show the timeframe you specified in the From Date and To Date fields on the Reservation form. This timeframe is also denoted by the green and red lines on the schedule. If the object shows a reservation conflict at that time, you can change the timeframe on the picker before you select the object.

To change the timeframe, drag the green and red lines to the timeframe you want. Unifier will change the Reservation From/To fields at the bottom of the window to reflect your change. When you click the Open button to select the object to reserve, Unifier will update the Reservation record with the new time.

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023