Main Content Area

Use Ctrl and + or Ctrl and - to zoom in and zoom out anywhere in the application.

Use the Tab key on your keyboard to highlight the toolbar buttons and press Enter to make the action applicable.


A grid contains content rendered in a tabular format. Any grid has a similar method of interaction. Grids are extensively used in places such as the logs (ex: Business Process Record log, Line Item list, Document Manager log, Cost Manager log, Mailbox etc.), Sheets (ex: Cost Sheet, Funding Sheet, Cash Flow worksheet, Activity Sheet, Portfolio Manager Sheet etc.)

Only the rows that are visible are rendered. As you navigate up and down the table more items will be visible.

To enter the table, tab to it. Tabbing to the table will cause an overlay to be displayed with the message Press tab to skip over this widget. Press Enter, Esc or click to enter the grid.

Use Arrows or Tab and Shift + Tab to navigate through the table. To move focus to another cell when you reach the end of the row, use the Arrows or Shift + Tab.

Editable Grid

Any grid that has editable content has a similar method of interaction. Examples of such grids are the Line item grids seen in business processes, manual entry columns in Cost Sheet and so forth.

Press F2 or Enter to put the cell in edit mode.

To select a value from a list of values (from the fields of type 'Pull Down,' navigate to the cell by tabbing, and press F2 or Enter. Use Up and Down Arrows to highlight an option. Press Enter to select the option.

To select a value from a calendar picker (from the fields of type 'Date' and 'Date Only' pickers), navigate to the cell by tabbing, and press F2 or Enter. Use the Tab key to change the Month and Year selection and use the Up and Down Arrows to highlight an option. Press Enter to select the option.

Last Published Wednesday, December 20, 2023