Cost Sheet Log

When you select a cost sheet row (click on a cost sheet row) the right-hand pane opens. The right-hand pane has the following tabs that provide more details on a cost sheet that you have selected:

The Properties tab contains the following fields:

The Audit Log tab displays the Audit log (View > Audit Log) for the cost sheet.

The right-hand pane has the 'Expand' icon at the top right. Use it to expand or collapse the pane.

The left-hand pane lists all of the shell instances of the same type (the shell in which cost sheet is being created).

If you create a cost sheet in a standard project, then the list shows a list of all standard project instances in the company, and you can copy cost sheet from any source.

The Cost Sheet log layout contains the following columns:

The following options are available on the toolbar:

The following explains each option in detail.


When no Cost Sheet has been created yet, there are two sub-menu options available:

Actions > Permissions

Lets you configure the permission settings for a worksheet. For more information, see Assign permissions to the worksheet.


The default view is All which results in the display of all sheets in the log. You can select Group by Type view which results in the cost sheets grouped by type, with the cost sheet at the top.


Updates the data that is displayed.


Lets you print the list of cost sheets displayed (Print) or export the list to an external file (Export to CSV or Export to Excel).


To find an item on the log. You can do a text based 'Find' on each column.

When no records have been created within the log, the right-hand pane is blank. You can collapse the right-hand pane.

When there are records within the Cost Sheet node, the Project Cost Sheet is selected by default, and the Create option has the following sub-menu options:

If you select more than one record from the cost sheet log at the same time, the right-hand pane will be blank with message: Details of multiple records cannot be viewed.

Note: If you select more than one worksheet at the same time, the right-hand pane displays the Permissions tab.

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023