Worksheet Log

When you select a project or shell worksheet (click the row), the right pane opens and displays the following tabs:

The Properties tab is displayed by default and contains properties of the Worksheet. The General block in this tab has the following tabs:

The Audit Log tab displays the Audit log (View > Audit Log) for the Worksheet.

The right pane has the 'Expand' icon at the top right. Use it to expand or collapse the pane.

If you select more than one record from the worksheet at the same time, the right pane displays the Permissions tab. This lets you set permissions for more than one worksheet at the same time.

To grant permission to a worksheet

  1. In User Mode, click Cost Manager > Cost Sheet in the left Navigator. The Cost Sheet log opens.
  2. Select one or more worksheets and click Actions > Permissions. You can also click the gear menu ( ) and click Permissions to assign permissions to only one worksheet. The Permissions window opens.
  3. In the Permissions table, type the user or group name in the Add box and select the user or group to grant access.
  4. By default, each listed user or group will be granted View permission, allowing them to open the worksheet. To grant additional permissions, select the checkboxes that correspond to the user or group:
    • All: User will have View, Edit, and Modify Permission.
    • Modify Permissions: Allows user to control the worksheet's permission settings.
    • Edit Data: User can import worksheet information, save a snapshot, edit worksheet properties, and add columns.
    • View: User can view the worksheet.
  5. Click Save.
  6. When editing one record at a time, click the left arrow to view the previous worksheet or the right arrow to view the next worksheet.
  7. After exiting the Permissions window, the Permissions tab will be refreshed with the updated information.

You can Remove user or group permission by clicking the trash-can icon in the Remove column.

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023