Project or Shell Cost Sheet

When you open a project or shell cost sheet (Cost Manager node > Cost Sheet sub-node > <Project Cost Sheet>), the Cost Sheet overlay window opens and the following elements appear on the screen:

The Cost Sheet overlay window toolbar options are as follows:

Manage Rows

Note: This option is available only to those users who have permission to modify the cost sheet rows. Clicking this option enables you to open a new grid sheet (inline), on top of the cost sheet, titled: Manage Rows.

For a tree-structure cost sheets, the Manage Rows sheet has the following toolbar options:

  • Add Sibling
  • Add Child

    Note: When no cost code has been created yet, the toolbar has only the Add option (instead of the two separate Add Sibling and Add Child options).

  • Refresh
  • Print
  • Find on Page
  • Expand All Groups or Collapse All Groups

For a flat-structure cost sheets, the Manage Rows sheet has the following toolbar options:

  • Add

    Clicking Add, when no row has been selected, adds a new row at the bottom of the existing rows.

    Clicking Add, when a row has been selected, insert a new row below the selected row.

    You can always drag the row to move it above or to any other valid place.

  • Refresh
  • Print
  • Find on Page

When you make changes, the following additional options (appear on the top, right-hand corner of the screen) enable you to cancel or save your changes:

  • Cancel
  • Save

The Manage Rows sheet has the following columns that are stationary:

  • Cost Code
  • Code Name

Other columns on the Manage Rows sheet vary as per design (as defined in the cost sheet attribute form in uDesigner).

For each cost code row in the Manage Rows sheet, you have the following options columns at the very end:

  • Notes

    An indicator to show if a cost code row is associated with notes.

  • Attachments

    An indicator to show if a cost code row is associated with attachments.

  • Delete

    If a row is eligible for deletion (i.e., there is no cost associated with that cost code), you can delete the row by using this option. When you click this option, the row and the child rows will be deleted.

  • Reorder

    You can select multiple rows and drag them to another position. As long as there is no cost associated with a selected row, you can drag codes to another location below any parent. If any of the selected codes is associated with a cost, you cannot drag the group to another parent or hierarchy.

For each cost code row in the Manage Rows sheet, there is a right pane (bottom) that captures more details on the code. This pane contains following tabs:

  • Breakdown tab

    The Breakdown tab contains the following toolbar options:

    • Add

      If you do not select any rows and click Add, then Unifier inserts a new row on the grid at the bottom of the existing rows.

      If you select a row, or multiple rows, and click Add, then Unifier inserts a new row below the selected row, or rows.

    • Find on Page

    The Breakdown tab contains the following toolbar options:

    • Row #

      This is the same as the row # column in main grid in this window. Unifier displays an error message if you:

      - Save your changes without entering a name.

      - Create a breakdown with a duplicated name.

      The red triangle symbol signifies the existence of an error in a row. The error pop-up displays Row # that contains the error, the CBS description (from the main sheet row that contains the error), the tab name, and the error description.

    • Name: Mandatory field.

      To capture breakdown name.

    • Description:

      To capture breakdown description.


      Column header is blank. Click to delete the selected row.


      Enables you to reorder breakdowns through drag and drop (same as drag or drop at other places in Unifier--Manage Views screen, etc.).

  • Attachments tab

    Same as the Attachments tab in Work Package (Standard View) and right pane of the Attachments tab in the Cost Sheet log.

  • Notes tab

    Very similar to the Comments tab of a BP record (right pane). It cannot be used to add attachments to a comment.

  • Audit Log tab

    Same as the Audit Log tab of a BP record (right pane).

For a tree-structure cost sheet, the right-click option for a cost code row, within Manage Rows window, are:

  • Add Sibling
  • Add Child
  • Copy
  • Delete

For a flat-structure cost sheet, the right-click option for a cost code row, within Manage Rows window, are:

  • Add
  • Copy
  • Delete

For both a tree-structure cost sheet and a flat-structure cost sheet, when you select multiple rows, the right-click options are:

  • Copy
  • Delete

Add Column

Enables you to open the New Column overlay window which contains the following fields:

  • Name

    Enter the name of the new column.

  • Type

    The drop-down menu enables you to select the values:

    • From Business Processes (the default value for Type)

      Select the From Business Processes option if you want to have a column in the Cost Sheet log the pulls data from the Amount field of a Business Process. If you select this option, then:

      - The New Column form (overlay window) stays as is.

      - The Data Source drop-down menu gets updated to show a list of all Business Process datasources which can be used to create a column.

      Note: The datasources that have already been used to create a column will not be included in the list. You must populate the mandatory options, on the form, in order to create the new column successfully.

    • Direct Entry

      Select the Direct Entry option when you want to enter Numeric values into the cell directly. When you select this option on the overlay form, similar to the "From Business Process" option, the form stays as is. The only difference is that the Data Source drop-down menu displays "Logical Sources," only. Also, those sources that have already been used to create a column will not be displayed in this list.

    • Line Item Content

      Select the Line Item Content option when you want to enter data for each cell in the column in a line item format, allowing multiple line item entries per cell. The total is displayed in the cell. When you select this option on the overlay form, the overlay form stays as is. The behavior of the Data Source drop-down menu is the same as when you select the "Direct Entry" option.

    • From Worksheet

      Select the From Worksheet option when you want to populate the data in the Cost Sheet column from another column in an already existing worksheet within the project or shell. When you select this option:

      - The Data Source drop-down menu displays a list of all those logical sources that allow the "Sheet" type entry method.

      - The sources that have already been used to create a column do not show up in the list.

      The Type drop-down menu will contain two additional options:

      - Sheet Name

      This is an editable drop-down menu.

      - Column

      This is a drop-down menu, which is enabled only when you select a sheet from the "Sheet Name" column; otherwise, the Column option is read-only.

    • From EVA Sheet (for more information about EVA, refer to the Earned Value Management User Guide.)

      Select the From EVA Sheet option when you want to populate the data in the Cost Sheet column from an EVA sheet. When you select this option:

      - The Data Source drop-down menu displays a list of all those logical sources that allow the "Sheet" type entry method.

      - The sources that have already been used to create a column do not show up in the list.

      The Type drop-down menu will contain two additional options:

      - Sheet Name

      This is an editable drop-down menu.

      - Column

      This is a drop-down menu, which is enabled only when you select a sheet from the "Sheet Name" column; otherwise, the Column option is read-only.

    • From Activity Sheet

      Select the From Activity Sheet option when you want to populate the data in the Cost Sheet column from an Activity Sheet. When you select this option:

      - The Data Source drop-down menu displays a list of all those logical sources that allow the "Sheet" type entry method.

      - The sources that have already been used to create a column do not show up in the list.

      The Type drop-down menu will contain two additional options:

      - Sheet Name

      This is an editable drop-down menu.

      - Column

      This is a drop-down menu, which is enabled only when you select a sheet from the "Sheet Name" column; otherwise, the Column option is read-only.

      Note: In Cash Flow, Cost Sheet, and Earned Value, you can replace the Summary Sheet with the Activity Sheet as a source.

    • Formula

      Select the Formula option when you want to populate the Cost Sheet column as a formula-based on other existing columns in the sheet. When you select this option, the Data Source drop-down menu gets updated to show a list all the logical sources that allow the "Formula" type entry method. Also, those sources that have already been used to create a column will not be included in this list. In addition, the formula creator option is displayed below the Data Source field. When you click the formula creator, an interface to create a formula opens.

    • P6 Sources

      You can select the P6 Sources option when the sheet is enabled to create column from P6 sources. You can select the P6 Sources option if you want to populate the Cost Sheet column from a P6 Datasource. When you select the P6 Sources option, the Data Source drop-down menu gets updated to show a list all available P6 sources (those sources that have not been used to create a column so far). In addition, the Data Source drop-down menu will be followed by the Element drop-down menu.

  • Data Source

    The Data Source drop-down menu changes as the value in the "Type" drop-down menu change. Each change is captured above.

    In some cases, the Datasource name is preceded by *** (asterisks). This indicates the statuses of a BP which does not exist in the design anymore. If there are any BP statuses that have been removed from the design and are displayed in the Data Source drop-down menu with *** (asterisks) next to them, when you select the Type as "From Business Process," the Data Source drop-down menu shows a tooltip next to it. Upon hover over, the tool-tip states: *** Indicates the status does not exist in the design.

  • Data Format

    The Data Format option is available when a value is available to select; otherwise, it will not be visible. For example: The Single Source columns can be of data format "Currency" or "Decimal," only. So, for these columns, the "Percentage" radio option is not visible.

  • Display Mode
  • Total
  • Column Position after

The New Column overlay window has the following action options:

  • Cancel
  • Save
  • Save & Add New


Note: This option is available only if the cost sheet is enabled for forecasting. When you click this option, the Classic View of Forecast Adjustment window opens.


Enables you to see the added values to the columns of the sheet.


Enables you to print or export the log content.

Find on Page

Enables you to search for a sheet on the log.

Expand All Groups or Collapse All Groups

Enables you to expand or collapse the sheets to see the subordinates.

Menu Options

Enables you to conduct and access:

  • Import
    • Summary Budget
    • CBS Details
  • Export
    • Summary Cost Sheet
    • Summary Budget
    • CBS Details
    • Column Details
  • Columns
    • Unhide
    • Restrictions
  • Snapshots
    • Create
    • Open
  • Currency
    • Project Currency
    • Base Currency
  • Budget Distribution

    See Budget Distribution below for details.

  • Row Coloring
    • Multi-Color
    • Single-Color
  • Properties
  • Audit Log

Currency Toggle

Enables you to switch the cost sheet currency from Project Currency to Base Currency (or vice versa).

The Cost Sheet overlay window column options may vary. The following are a list of possible columns:

The bottom of the Cost Sheet log (underneath the second column from the left--after the Sequence No. column) displays the totals for the amounts for each column.

The bottom of the Cost Sheet log (left-hand corner) displays the total number of items.

When you right-click on a cell heading, you will see the following options:

When you right-click on a cell within the cost sheet, you will see the following options:

When you click on a cell, the Cost Sheet screen opens a pane on the right-hand side that has the following tabs:

These tabs provide additional information about each cell. Where allowable, you can update the fields within each tab.

The Budget Distribution overlay window contains the following elements:

When the Budget Distribution is locked (padlock icon in locked position)

The following blocks (accordion menu) are visible:

  • Overview

    If available, the right-hand pane of this block (accordion menu) contains the following tabs:

    • Attachments
    • Audit Log
    • Lock/Unlock History
  • Distributed Amount

    Enables you to see the Cost Code, Code Name, Type, and Distributed Amount. You can use the toolbar options to refresh, print (or export), find, and collapse the information in the log.

    The right-hand pane of this block (accordion menu) contains the following tabs:

    • General
    • Attachments
    • Notes

    All of the fields are read-only.

If you click Unlock, you must enter a reason.

When the Budget Distribution is unlocked (padlock icon in unlocked position)

You have all the options available in the locked position, and you can change the values in the editable fields.

Once finished, you must click Save & Lock.

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023