Viewing Data for Shells and Sub-shells in Generic Cost Sheet

The generic cost sheet displays transactional data by period and shell level. In the context of working with the generic cost sheet, you can filter the cost data you are viewing by shells or sub-shells. The generic cost sheet is accessed from the Shell > Configurable Managers > Generic Cost Manager > Generic Cost Sheet log. You can use the shell or sub-shell filter in combination with the timescale selector documented in the next section to create various views in your spreadsheet based on shell or sub-shell and time period.

See Working with Configurable Manager Sheets (Standard View) for additional details.

In the View By selection list, choose one of the following:

In Generic Cost Sheet views, data is rolled up from the current shell and sub-shells. When data is rolled up from sub-shells, the generic cost sheet under a shell can roll up data from other shells that are created as sub-shells and their sub-shells. The Current Shell and sub-shells only and Sub-shells only views support this rollup. For example:

In this example, the North Region Generic Cost Sheet will have data from Property A, Property B, Building 101, Building 102, Building 201, and Building 202. Property A has data from Building 101 and Building 102. Property B has data from Building 201 and Building 202.

Also, data from a sub-shell to its parent shell can only roll up if the codes match. For example,

In this example, Building 101 will roll up to Property A as the codes match (1000-1001). Building 102 will not roll up because the codes are different (1000-1002). Parent and child shell cost codes must match for roll up to occur. Timescale and column definition must also match across the shells and sub-shells.

Also, all sub-shells that will roll up must have the same currency as the parent shell. If all of the sub-shells and the current parent shell have the same currency, the data displays in that currency. If at least on sub-shell has a different currency, the data displays in the Base Currency. A confirmation message alerts you to this currency display.

While rolling up, only parent shell generic cost sheet codes should be considered. This is applicable under all views.

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023