Monthly Breakdown of Actuals Values in Scenario Sheet

For the projects that are in-progress, where Forecast Curve is used (not the Baseline Curve), if the Administration has selected to display the monthly breakdown of Actuals (Display monthly breakdown of Actuals option in the portfolio Configuration window), then:

Similarly, the Pre-Actuals (in the Project Portfolio Manager) will contain the total, from the Actuals curve, for all previous years if the Actuals source is defined.


For project City4, the user has defined Actuals source (in the Configuration window of the portfolio) for period 2017.

For period between 1/1/16 to 12/1/17, the total Actuals amount is $7200.

The Actuals total for period 1/1/16 to 12/16 is $5806.45.

When the user opens the Project Portfolio Manager for period 2017, the "Pre-Actuals" column will show the total amount from Actuals for previous year (1/1/16 to 12/1/16), and the Cash flow Curve displays a steady incline.

Considering it is May 2017:

When the Actuals source is defined (in project City4) for the columns from Jan 2017 to April 2017, then when the selected tab in the Portfolio Manager is not shared or is not approved, the screen displays the corresponding value (read-only) that is coming from the Actuals curve in the Cashflow.

For the month of May 2017, the corresponding values displayed for City4 will be editable, or read-only, based on the Period Close Settings fields, defined in the Cash flow properties ("Enable auto snapshot on").

For the current year and current month, in the Portfolio Manager, the same logic applies as for the Forecast Curve in the Cashflow.

Within the Portfolio Manager for the current year, for the current month, the logic will follow the same logic as for the forecast curve in the Cash flow (Cash flow by Forecast - CBS).

If the "Enable auto snapshot on" option is checked, then:

If the "Enable auto snapshot on" option is not checked, then the value shown in the Portfolio Manager (for the current month) will be from the Actuals curve and will be read-only.

When the user shares the scenario in the Portfolio Manager, then only the "ALL values of Forecast" will be shared.

If the Project Portfolio Manager (PPM) is unlinked, then for those scenarios the Actuals will be read-only for the previous months.

For approved scenarios, the monthly Actuals are displayed as read-only only when the PPM is linked.

Unless the Cash flow is refreshed (even after the checkbox is checked), the Actuals will not be displayed.

Additional information

Approved/shared date will reflect actuals spread data only if the project is unlinked.

For the existing PPM Sheet, for prior years (e.g.,2014), the actual data is not displayed for yearly columns (e.g., 2015 or 2016).

As the cash flow is refreshed, the current month forecast data will become non-editable in PPM even if the project is not linked.

As the cash flow is refreshed, the current month and the previous month baseline data will become non-editable in PPM even if the project is not linked.

Multiple Forecast Curve

If there are multiple forecast curves defined within a project, with different option setting, this system displays a warning message (through a red triangle) in the current month cell when you hover over. In this case:

For support for monthly actuals, in case of consistent settings in multiple forecast curves, the behavior for the current, prior, and future months will be determined according to the existing functionality.

Project Portfolio Manager (PPM)

Whether linked, or unlinked, in the scenario sheet, the approved and shared data actuals spread are displayed in the Cashflow.

For the current month forecast data, whether the PPM is linked or unlinked, the system retains the forecast settings in the Cashflow.

Yearly PPM

In an existing PPM scenario sheet, for prior years actuals, data is seen as read-only for yearly columns if the checkbox to show monthly actuals is checked in the PPM configuration.

The current and future years will be determined according to the existing functionality.

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023