Edit Numbers on a Sheet

A primary function of scenario sheets is to make it easy for you to modify numbers and see the resulting budget analysis quickly. You can edit the following numbers on the scenario sheet:

When you edit any of these numbers, the system dynamically updates totals and calculates the differences between target numbers and those totals; however, it does NOT change a project's live data. Your proposed numbers are stored only in the Portfolio Manager and will not affect live project data until a scenario has been approved by your company management.

Note: When you edit numbers in any project row, the system automatically unlinks that project row from the project data.

To edit numbers on the sheet

  1. Double-click the cell containing the number you want to change. The cell becomes editable.

    Note: If any yearly projections have been broken down into months, you must make your edits in the month cells, not the yearly total.

  2. Enter the change.
  3. Press the Enter key on your keyboard, or press the Tab key to move to the next editable cell in the row.

    The system updates the values in the Total and Difference rows for this column, and flags the cell to indicate that there is a discrepancy between the number you entered and the project data.

    Note: To leave a cell without saving your changes, press the ESC key on your keyboard. The system restores the original numbers to the cell.

Click the Save All button.

You cannot edit:

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023