Sort the Data on a Scenario Sheet

To make data easier to locate alphanumerically on either the scenario sheet or the project candidate list, you can sort the information by column in ascending or descending order.

To sort the sheet by column:

Hover over the column heading. A set of arrows will appear. Click the arrows to sort the data.

To sort the sheet by column when creating a view:

  1. In the View drop-down menu, select Create New View. The New View window opens.
  2. Navigate to the Sort By tab.
  3. Select the column in which you want to sort the data from the drop-down menu.
  4. Next, select Ascending or Descending from the Order drop-down menu to determine the order in which the data will be displayed.
  5. Sort more columns by clicking on the gear menu ( ) and then clicking Add Below.
    • When you sort multiple columns, you can use the gear menu to Add Above or Add Below.
    • You can use the gear menu ( ) to Delete sortings that you have created.
  6. When finished, click the Save icon. Whenever you open this view, it will display the data in the way you have sorted it.

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023