CSV Template for Activity Details

When you export the CSV template file (using Export > Activity Details), the order of the columns in the CSV template matches the order of the data elements that are added in the integration phase. You can:

CSV import of activities

The Activity ID is generated using the activity sequence numbering set up at properties level, if no value is provided in the Activity ID column. You can enter only alphanumeric characters in the Activity ID column.

You cannot leave any of the required field in an activity attributes form blank. If the CSV file imported does not have data for all of the required fields in the activity attributes form, then import will fail.

Only columns that are editable can be updated, for the existing activities. Changes to read-only columns in the CSV file will be ignored.

The WBS Code and CBS Code for the activities can be added for new activities. For the existing activities, the WBS Code and CBS Code for the activities can be updated.

CSV restrictions

The data elements that are added in the Integration tab must match the names, or labels, in the exported CSV template.

All of the data elements that are defined in the Integration tab will be seen as column headers in the CSV template. The order of the column headers are as they appear in the Integration tab.

If no integration interface is defined, then all of the uuu_P6 pre-defined columns will be seen in the CSV template. In this case, the Activity ID and Activity Name will be shown as the first two columns, followed by other uuu_P6 data elements.

The existing rows (activities) must be in the same order as currently seen in the sheet.

The Activity ID and Activity Name columns are shown as required in the exported CSV template, along with other required fields.

During the CSV import (for creating new activities), the system performs the following validations:

You will encounter error messages when creating new activities by way of CSV import if:

You will encounter the following validations when creating new activities by way of CSV import:

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023