Update Activities



uuu_P6Planned Start






Behavior after import

For Not Started Activity: Valid date provided

No Change

No Change

No Change

No Value

No Value

No Change

No Change

Activity will be updated with uuu_P6Start update provided

uuu_P6Finish will be calculated based on Start and duration

All other dates - Planned Start, Planned Finish, Remaining Early Start and Remaining Early Finish will be updated same as Start and Finish

Activity status will be "Not Started"

No Change

Valid date provided

No Change 

No Change

No Value

No Value

No Change 

No Change

Activity will be updated with uuu_P6Finish and duration will be recalculated

All other dates - Planned Start, Planned Finish, Remaining Early Start and Remaining Early Finish will be updated same as Start and Finish

Activity status will be "Not Started"

No Change 

No Change 

No Change 

No Change 

Valid Value entered

No Value

No Change 

No Change 

Activity will be updated with uuu_P6Start same as uuu_P6ActualStart

Planned Start and Planned Finish will not be changed

Remaining Early start will be same as uuu_P6ActualStart and Remaining Early Finish will be same as uuu_P6Finish

Activity status will be "In progress"

No Change

No Change

No Change 

No Change

No Change 

Valid date entered

No Change

No Change

Activity will be updated with uuu_P6Finish same as uuu_P6ActualFinish

Planned Start and Planned Finish will not be changed

Remaining Early start and Finish will not show any dates (empty) as the activity is completed

Activity status will be "Complete"

Activity percent will be 100% (one hundred percent)

Note: When you change any of the above dates, the system updates the dates accordingly. For activities that are marked as "Not Started," the values for the Start, Finish, Planned Start, Planned Finish, Remaining Early Start, and Remaining Early Finish will be the same.

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023