Adding a Column to Company Cost Sheet

The Project Number and Project Name columns in the Company Cost Sheet are static. This means that you cannot delete or hide these columns. Also, you cannot add columns to the static columns or see or access their properties. These two columns are separated from the rest of the columns through a vertical separator.

The rest of the columns in the Company Cost Sheet are dynamic. This means that you can delete or hide these columns. Also, you can add columns to the dynamic columns or see or access their properties. To access these options, right-click on the column heading and select from the following available options:

With the exception of the very first column (one of the static columns), if you click inside a cell and right click, you get the Insert Column Before and Insert Column After options. The second column (Project Name) allows you to Insert Column After, only.

To add a column to the Company Cost Sheet:

Note: The red asterisk next to a field box indicates that the field is a required field. You will not be able to save your changes without entering a value in that field.

  1. From the toolbar, click the Add Column icon to open the New Column window.
  2. Enter values, or select options, in the following fields:
  1. When finished, you can do one of the of the following:
    1. Click Save to save your changes and close the window.
    2. Click Save & Add New to save your changes and begin the process of adding a new ...

    To discard changes, or to close window, click Cancel.

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023