Project or Shell Cost Sheet Toolbar Options

The following explains the project or shell cost sheet toolbar options, after you open the project or shell cost sheet from the company cost sheet.


Use this option to update the information displayed on the screen.


Use this option to print the information displayed on the screen (Print), export the list displayed to an external files (Export to CSV or Export to Excel).

Find on Page

Use this option to search the information displayed on the screen in order to find a particular item or entry.

Clicking this option will open a row on top of the rows within the log, and you can enter values in each column to start a search for a specific item in the log.

Menu Options (the three horizontal lines with an arrow)

This option enables you to access the following features:




Enables you to export the following:

  • Summary Cost Sheet
  • Summary Budget
  • CBS Details
  • Column Details


To open the Snapshot Log window and access all of the snapshots taken from the cost sheet.


To select one of the following currency options for the cost sheet:

  • Project Currency
  • Base Currency

Budget Distribution

To open the Budget Distribution window. Note that the open padlock icon signifies that the budget for this cost sheet is unlocked. See the "Working with Budget Distribution Overview" and the "Working with Budget Distribution Distributed Amount" topics below for details.

Row Coloring

To apply color to the columns. Your options are:

  • Multiple Colors
  • Single Color


To open the Properties window. This option enables you to review properties such as CBS code label, CBS item label, whether the cost sheet has been enabled to received data from P6, and so forth. The Properties fields are read-only.

Audit Log

To see a record of all of the actions that have been taken on the project or shell cost sheet. The following are captured in the Audit Log window:

  • Date
  • Event
  • Action
  • Field
  • Old Value
  • New Value
  • User Name
  • Proxy User
  • Attachment

Use the toolbar options to refresh, print, or find items within the Audit Log window.


This is a toggle key enabling you to switch to Base Currency or switch to Project Currency.

Working with Budget Distribution Overview

When you click Budget Distribution from the Menu Options, as shown in the image below, the Overview block provides two sets of information within two panes. For example, the left pane provides information about the project budget capital, expense, and scope, and the right pane provides properties information within the following tabs:

This image displays the overview block of the Budget Distribution window.

Working with Budget Distribution Distributed Amount

When you click Budget Distribution from the Menu Options, as shown in the image below, the Distribution Amount block shows cost code details and properties. The Distribution Amount block is divided into two panes:

These properties pane has the following tabs:

General tab

When you select a cost code from the left pane, this tab shows the CBS details for that cost code. All the fields are read-only.

Attachments tab

When you select a cost code from the left pane, this tab lists any files that are attached to that cost code.

Notes tab

When you select a cost code from the left pane, this tab lists any notes related to that cost code.

Use the Distribution Amount block toolbar options to refresh, print, find, or collapse-expand the groups of cost codes listed (if any).

This image displays the Distributed amount block of the Budget Distribution window,

Related Topics

Project or Shell Cost Sheet Columns

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023