Assignments Tab

Use the Assignments tab to view the resources and roles assigned to the activity selected in the main grid. The costs associated with the resources allocated for an activity will be calculated and rolled up to the Activity and WBS level summaries. The cost associated with each resource will be calculated based on the number of total planned units * price per unit.

Note: The Assignments tab is not available for the milestones or WBS Summaries.

The following toolbar options will be available in the Assignments tab:

The Assignments tab log displays the following fixed columns, as seen in the Assignments tab for the System Activity Sheet:

All of the duration columns are also displayed:

The system calculates the duration based on Finish - Start for all date types.

The following columns in the Assignments tab log are required:

You can edit all of the columns in the Assignments tab log except the Planned and Actuals Price/Unit for which the value will be populated from the assigned rate sheet for the resources. The rate displayed will be based on the current date (the rate as of the current date as an effective date). You can edit this column only if the rate source is selected as Override.

Planned Units/Time column will populate with the default number of units that the assigned resource is available for, per hour. By default, this value will be populated from the Master Rate Sheet. You can edit the Planned Units/Time column, which means that you can increase or decrease the resource capacity, per hour. Only numeric values are allowed for the Planned Units/Time. The AtCompletion units will be set to the same value as the Planned Units/Time.

Remaining Units/Time column will populate with the default number of units that the assigned resource is available for, per hour. By default, this cell value will be populated with Planned Units/Time but can be editable. Only numeric values are allowed for the Remaining Units/Time.

Planned Units column is editable. By default, the Planned Units will show the calculated value which means the number of working days between the planned start and planned finish date times, based on the Activity calendar, multiplied by the number of the Planned Units/Time.

Remaining Units is by default calculated as Number of working days between Remaining start and Remaining end date times the number of Remaining Units/Time.

Actual Units can be entered manually. If the Actual Units for the resource assignments is enter manually, then the Activity Status will be 'In Progress'. The actual cost will be calculated based on the number of units per day and rate per effective date. You can enter the units manually or through P6 XML or Microsoft Project import.

When a resource/role is assigned to an activity in the Assignments tab, the Planned Start and Planned Finish dates will be defaulted to show the Start (uuu_P6Start) and Finish(uuu_P6Finish) dates of the activity. The system should allow modification of these dates.

Remaining Units will default to the AtCompletion Units - Actual Units for Not Started activities. When you enter the Actual Units, the Remaining Units will not change unless you updated the Remaining Units manually.

When you update the AtCompletion Units, the Remaining Units will be AtCompletionUnits - Actual Units

AtCompletion Units will be calculated as Actuals Units + Remaining Units.

The gear menu options for the resource, in the Assignments tab, vary depending on the project type. The gear menu options are:

The additional options seen will allow the user to add new resources or roles using resource or role picker and remove the existing assignments.

You can add the resources or roles from the activity sheet grid (right click and select Assign > Resource or Assign > Roles). When selected, the Add Resources (a resource picker) window will be displayed which displays all the active resources available in the company Master Rate Sheet.

The resource picker user interface, and the function, is same as when accessed by way of the Assignments tab.

The resource picker will show all of the resources whether they were created manually or created through receiving from a source, such as P6. You can select one or multiple resources from the list and contains the following columns:

When you assign the resource, a row will be inserted in the Assignments tab, and the following data will be populated for that row:

You can assign the Rate Sheet per activity sheet in the log, and the rates defined in that selected Rate Sheet will be retained for calculating costs for units spread. If there is no rate defined in the assigned rate sheet on an effective date, then the rate will be considered as zero (0). The default Price/Unit will show the rate that is the earliest one, at which resource has started (effective rate close to the start date of the assignment).

If multiple effective rates are defined for the assignment, then the costs will be calculated based on multiple rates. In this case, the Planned Cost, Actual Cost, Remaining Cost, and AtCompletion Cost will be total of the cost spread.

The Rate Source in the Assignments tab is a drop-down field, and it is editable. You can either pick the rate from the resource or override it for the assigned resources. You can override the rate within the sheet. The Price/Unit will become editable if you select to override both the Planned and the Actuals. If the role is assigned, then the rate source will show Role or Override, and the default rate (from the Master Rate Sheet) will be selected, if a rate sheet is not assigned.

When you select multiple activities, excluding milestones, and right click, you can see the Assign > Resource or Assign > Roles options which enables you to assign a source to multiple activities. The Assign > Resource or Assign > Roles options will not be available if you select multiple activities, including milestones.

When you copy an activity (select the activity and click Copy), you have the option to also copy the assignments and dependency information, if you need. You can select any activity to copy, regardless of the Activity Status.

Note: When you select Duplicate from the gear menu options, the activity details will be copied, along with assignments and dependencies.

Fixed Duration

If the duration type data element is included in the activity attributes, then the duration type will be selected as Fixed Duration, by default.

If the duration type data element is included in the activity attributes, or the activity sheet is created using the standard method or without activity attribute form, then the value for the following columns in the Assignment tab will be as if duration type selected as Fixed Duration, by default. In the activity sheet properties, the value for the duration type field will default to Fixed Duration.

The following table details the behavior of duration and unit data elements in the activity sheet, and the Assignments tab.


Activity Level when Activity % Complete entered/updated

Resource Level when Activity % Complete entered/updated


Start Date of the Activity. When checks it becomes the Actual Start and will set the Actual Start for all Resource Assignments.

Start Date of the Activity. When checks it becomes the Actual Start and will set the Actual Start for all Resource Assignments.


Defaults to 8 units after the start date. If changed then the Planned Duration will be recalculated as Finished - Started.

Defaults to 8 units after the start date. If changed then the Planned Duration will be recalculated as Finished - Started.

Activity % Complete

You need to update or enter a value, manually.

You need to update or enter a value, manually.

Planned Duration

Defaults to the Finished - Started. When changed it will change the Finished date to Started + Planned Duration.

Defaults to the Finished - Started. When changed it will change the Finished date to Started + Planned Duration.

Actual Duration

Actual Duration will be calculated whenever the project is scheduled based on the Data Date - Actual Start Date.

Actual Duration will be calculated whenever the project is scheduled based on the Data Date - Actual Start Date.

Remaining Duration

Remaining Duration calculated as Planned Duration - ((1-Activity % Complete) * Planned Duration). This can be edited and will recalculate the Activity % Complete. (Planned Duration - Remaining Duration) / Planned Duration.

Remaining Duration calculated as Planned Duration - ((1-Activity % Complete) * Planned Duration).

At Completion Duration

At Completion Duration is Actual Duration + Remaining Duration.

At Completion Duration is Actual Duration + Remaining Duration.

Planned Units

Planned Units


Actual Units

Actual Units can be rolled up from the resource assignments or can be entered manually. If entered manually then the values are pro-rated across the assignments if the assignment has an actual start date.

Actual units will not be updated and can be entered manually. These will then be rolled up to the Actual Units at the Activity level.

Remaining Units

Remaining Units calculated as Planned Units - ((1-Activity % Complete) * Planned Units). This can be overridden and entered manually. If entered manually then the values are pro-rated across the assignments remaining units.

Remaining Units calculated as Planned Units - ((1-Activity % Complete) * Planned Units). This can be overridden and entered manually.

At Completion Units

At Completion Units is Actual Units + Remaining Units.

At Completion Units is Actual Units + Remaining Units.

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023