Create a new asset

You can create new assets manually by copying from a template within the same asset class, copying another asset in the same class, or by importing assets.

The form that is used to enter the details about each asset is designed in uDesigner for each class. The form design can vary greatly from class to class.

Each asset that you add to the system exists as a unique record.

You can manually create new assets or create assets by copying from another asset or from a template. If the asset record or template also has a depreciate schedule set up, it will also be copied to the new asset.

To create a new asset manually

  1. In User Mode, go to the Company Workspace tab and click Asset Manager in the left Navigator. Select an asset class. The Asset Class navigator opens.
  2. Select the node under which you want to create the new asset.
  3. Click New. The Create New Asset form opens.
  4. Complete the form. This form is similar to a non-workflow business process form and has two sections:
    • General: In the upper portion of the form, enter all the details about the asset.
    • Depreciation Schedule: Setting up a depreciation schedule is optional. Before you can set up a depreciation schedule, you must first save the form.
  5. After completing the form, click Save to save changes to the upper form, or Finish Editing to save and close the form.

To create an asset by copying from a template

  1. In the Asset Class navigator, click the Copy button and choose Template. A list window opens displaying all templates for the asset class.
  2. Select a template and click Open. The Create New Asset form opens. The form may be populated with general and depreciation information from the template.
  3. Make changes as needed and click Save or Finish Editing to save the new asset. After saving, the Depreciation Setup button becomes available.

To copy an asset

  1. Select an asset from the log and click Copy > Asset. The form opens, with the information from the original asset.
  2. Make changes as needed and click Save or Finish Editing to save the new asset. After saving, the Depreciation Setup button becomes available.

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023