Working with Asset Sheets

Asset sheets are created automatically when asset classes are imported and activated. Asset sheets are listed in the Asset Sheet log window in the User Mode Asset Manager. There is one sheet per asset class, plus an asset summary sheet that summarizes all asset sheets. Assets are added to asset sheets as rows automatically, listed by the segmented asset code. In the asset summary sheet, the rows are the asset classes.

The asset summary sheet displays information of all asset sheets. It displays total values from individual asset class sheets. The asset summary sheet is created automatically once the first asset class is imported. Asset classes imported into Unifier are automatically added as rows.

Columns can be added to asset sheets. Some examples of columns include:

See Also

Asset Manager

Creating and Managing Assets

Understanding Reverse Auto-population

Editing Multiple Assets from Asset Log (Bulk Edit)

Printing an Asset Manager Form

In This Section

Access asset sheets

View asset and column details

View asset sheet properties

Enter or edit asset sheet data

Create and view a snapshot

Import asset sheet column data

Copy data from one column to another

Search for assets on an asset sheet

Export asset sheet or summary sheet data

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023