Types of Cost Sheet Data Entry

Cost sheet cells can be populated with data in the following ways, depending on how the column has been set up:

Manual entry: Your cost sheet may include some columns in which you can enter data through line items or directly into a cell. Line items can be added manually by copying data from an existing line item within the cell or from copying existing line item data from one column to another.

Business processes: Cost sheet data can also be rolled up automatically when cost-type business processes reach a specified status. For example, when a purchase order is approved, the amount can be rolled up to the appropriate column and CBS codes.

Formulas: Cell data is calculated from other column entries based on a formula defined for the column. The formula may include data from other columns.

Budget: Information from the project or shell budget can be rolled up to budget columns. This data is entered in the Budget window.

Worksheet: Data can be entered into worksheets and rolled up to cost sheet columns.

The following sections discuss how to view, enter, and manage cost sheet data and budget information.

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023