Importing and Exporting Cost Sheet Data

You can import CBS detail information into a cost sheet manual entry column from a comma-delimited-value (CSV) file, such as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet saved in CSV format.

Note: For information about internationalization and CSV files refer to Unifier General User Guide.

To import project or shell cost sheet information

  1. In the project or shell cost sheet, click File > Import and then choose one of the following:
    • Summary Budget:

      Summarizes the budget information.

    • CBS Details:

      Lists CBS codes and CBS details information for each.

    • Column Details:

      Summarizes column details for specific columns.

      For a project level cost sheet, the following columns are available for import/export:

      - Assigned Budget

      - Yet To Buy

      - AFC

      - Project Cost 1 to Project Cost 100, for columns where the Entry Method is set to Manual Entry for either Direct entry into cell or Line Item content (either visible or hidden)

  2. Browse to the CSV file to import, select it, and click OK.

    Note the following:

Import Option


Summary Budget

The following rules apply when importing into the cost sheet:

  • Negative numbers are not allowed for budget distribution amount.
  • There is no check on import whether the total capital or expense budget was exceeded.

After the import is completed, return to the Budget Distribution page and save and lock the budget. Once the budget is locked, the system performs the necessary check to determine if the total capital or expense budget has exceeded the original budget.

CBS Details

The following rules apply to the CBS details when importing into the cost sheet:

  • CBS details are updated, and new, valid CBS details are added in the order specified in the CSV file.
  • The complete CBS code, including the parent code, must be valid and in the correct order in the CSV file.

Column Details

The following rules apply to the column details when importing into the cost sheet:

  • This selection adds a column to the cost sheet and is usually done as part of the administration of the cost sheet.
  • For the Assigned Budget (or Budget Remaining Balance) column and Manual Entry column, all of the existing budget line items are deleted and replaced with the new budget line items defined in the CSV  file, even if the CSV file only provides a partial list of CBS codes.
  • Values in the Distributed Budget column are for reference only.

Once you have constructed the cost sheet and distributed the budget, you can export specific cost sheet information, saving it to a local file system in a comma-separated-value (CSV) format.

To export project or shell cost sheet data

  1. In the project or shell cost sheet, select File > Export and then choose one of the following options.
    • Summary Cost Sheet:
      Creates a summary of all rows, columns, and data on the cost sheet.
    • Summary Budget:
      Creates a summary of the budget window information.
    • CBS Details:
      Lists all of the CBS codes on the cost sheet and the CBS details information for each.
    • Column Details:

      Creates a summary of column details for the selected column.

      For a project level cost sheet, the following columns are available for import/export:

      - Assigned Budget

      - Yet To Buy

      - AFC

      - Project Cost 1 to Project Cost 100, for columns where the Entry Method is set to Manual Entry for either Direct entry into cell or Line Item content (either visible or hidden)

    The Summary Cost Sheet option only supports saving the structure for reference purposes. The other three exported files can be modified and then imported into a new or existing project or shell cost sheet.

  2. Read the confirmation message and click Yes to continue.

    You can open the file in a compatible program, such as Microsoft Excel, to review it before saving.

  3. Click Save and specify the location in which to save the CSV file.

    Note: If you open the CSV file, you will see that it contains notes regarding modifying the columns and data in the exported file for re-importing into a cost sheet. Follow the notes embedded in the CSV file for modifying columns and data in the exported file.

You can create Cost Based Structure (CBS) Codes in Cost Sheets.

Importing Cost Sheet Data from P6

P6 Schedule contains CBS Structure, or Codes, and sends the CBS codes to Unifier Cost Sheet CBS Codes, also called CBS Codes.

CBS Codes created in P6 have "imported" root to Leaf Structure and are not under any hierarchy that has been created manually. An "imported" Leaf CBS Code appears under an "imported" root and non-root Summary CBS Codes; however, you can create "manual" Leaf CBS Codes under "imported" Summary CBS Codes.


About Synchronization methods

Note: The Synchronization Methods are defined in P6 and not Unifier.


When Synchronization Method = Complete, P6 sends all CBS levels/codes to Unifier via Gateway.

The application receives the attributes for each CBS and uses the "Default" value of each Cost Segment to create Cost Codes within the Cost Sheet.

If the number of CBS levels in P6 Schedule is fewer than the number of Cost Segments in the corresponding Cost Sheet, then Unifier creates two CBS Codes for each lowest level CBS code sent from P6:


When Synchronization Method = Levels, P6 sends selected CBS levels/codes to Unifier via Gateway. The selected CBS levels/codes are the codes that are up to a defined number of levels within the P6 Schedule. The remaining CBS codes are not sent.

Unifier receives the attributes for each CBS and uses the "Default" value of each Cost Segment to create Cost Codes within the Cost Sheet.

If the number of CBS levels in P6 Schedule is fewer than the number of Cost Segments in the corresponding Cost Sheet, then Unifier creates two CBS Codes for each lowest level CBS code sent from P6:


When Synchronization Method = Partial, P6 sends selected CBS levels/codes to Unifier via Gateway. The selected CBS levels/codes are the codes that are selected as "Integrated." The remaining CBS codes are not sent.

Unifier receives the attributes for each CBS and uses the "Default" value of each Cost Segment to create Cost Codes within the Cost Sheet.

If the number of CBS levels in P6 Schedule is fewer than the number of Cost Segments in the corresponding Cost Sheet, then Unifier creates two CBS Codes for each lowest level CBS code sent from P6:

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023