Open the Budget Distribution window

To open the Budget Distribution window:

  1. Open the project or shell cost sheet.
  2. Click the Edit menu and select Budget Distribution. The Budget Distribution window opens.
  3. Use the information in the table below to enter budget information as necessary.
  4. Click OK to save and exit.



Project or Shell Capital Budget


Project or Shell Expense Budget


Scope of Budget



A text field for any budget-related comments.

Undistributed Capital Amount


Undistributed Expense Amount


Lock Date

If the budget is currently locked, the lock date displays.


Shows if the budget is currently locked or unlocked.

Lock/Unlock Explanation (View)

Click the View link to open an audit log that lists the dates, times, and explanations for lock and unlock budget instances.

Project or Shell Currency

Displays the currency used in the project or shell. This may differ from the base currency.

Base Currency

Displays the base currency used for your company.

Exchange Rate

This is the calculation that is used to convert the base currency to the project or shell currency.

No. of Attachments

Displays the number of files, if any, attached to the budget window. Click on the link to view or download.

Budget Distributed Amount

The lower part of the window displays each CBS code row that appears on the cost sheet. Enter the budget amount for each one. Clicking on a CBS code link will open the CBS Detail window.


Click this button to attach files to the budget distribution window.

Save & Lock

This button is available if the budget is currently unlocked. Clicking it locks and distributes the budget. You will be prompted to provide an explanation for this action.


This button is available if the budget is currently locked. Clicking it unlocks the budget to allow for modification to the budget window and cost sheet rows. You will be prompted to provide an explanation for this action.

Audit Log

This button accesses the audit log, which records budget activity.

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023