View or edit cost sheet properties

Cost sheet properties include the name, description, structure definition (flat or tree), CBS code, CBS item titles, and switches for forecast details and forecast inclusion functionality.

Most properties are not editable in the cost sheet after it has been created. The exception is the Default View, which can be edited.

To open the cost sheet Properties window

  1. Open the cost sheet Properties window by doing one of the following:
    • Select the cost sheet from the log and click the Properties button on the toolbar.
    • Open the cost sheet. Click the File menu and choose Properties.
  2. The Properties window opens.
    • The General tab displays the Title and Description, and enables the administrator to set a Default View for when the cost sheet is opened from the log.
    • The Structure tab displays the CBS Code segment and display structure used in the cost sheet. This information is view-only after the cost sheet has been created.
    • The Options tab displays display and forecasting information used in the cost sheet. This information is also view-only after the cost sheet is created.

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023