Create a Worksheet

You can create a worksheet by copying a worksheet template or copying a worksheet from another project or shell.

To create a worksheet from a template

  1. In User Mode, click Cost Manager > Cost Sheet in the left Navigator. The Cost Sheet log opens.
  2. Click New and select Worksheet > Copy from Template. The Copy from Template window opens.
  3. Select the template to copy and click OK. The worksheet appears in the log.

To create a worksheet from another worksheet

  1. In User Mode, click Cost Manager > Cost Sheet in the left Navigator. The Cost Sheet log opens.
  2. Click New and select Worksheet > Copy from Project or Copy from Shell. The Copy from Project or Shell window opens. The window lists each worksheet in each project or shell. If there are multiple worksheets in a project or shell, each will be listed separately.
  3. Select the project or shell worksheet to copy and click OK. The worksheet appears in the log.

You can add manual-entry or formula columns to a worksheet. Rows are created automatically from the CBS codes in the cost sheet.

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023