Open a Worksheet

To open a worksheet directly from the log

  1. In User mode, click Cost Manager > Cost Sheet in the left Navigator.

    The Cost Sheet log opens.

  2. Select the worksheet from the log, and click Open.

Note: When you first open the sheet, the opening view will depend on the Default View option selected in the Properties window. Your cost sheet administrator can set this default view. Worksheets can be resized and split/unsplit the same way as cost sheets (see Resize cost sheet window or Split or unsplit cost sheet window).

To open a worksheet from the cost sheet

Click on cost sheet column data that refers to a worksheet as data entry.

Adding a column to a worksheet is similar to adding a column to the cost sheet. You can add manual-entry (direct or line item) columns or formula columns. You can also add columns that reference other worksheets. This allows interaction between worksheets.

The available data sources are Project Worksheet Cost 1 through 50.

To add a column

  1. Open the worksheet and click the Columns button. The Columns Log opens.
  2. Click New. The Column Properties window opens.
  3. Complete the column properties as usual for a column.

    If you are creating a formula, the data sources that are available for the formula are limited to the other columns on the worksheet.

  4. Complete the window and click OK.

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023