Adding or Deleting CBS Breakdowns on an SOV Sheet

CBS breakdowns can be added to an SOV sheet. This enables each contract to have its own set of CBS breakdowns. These breakdowns can be added directly on the SOV sheet, or they can be imported from a CSV file. Breakdowns can be added to general spends or payment application SOVs.

Note: You cannot add a breakdown to an SOV if there is a pending spends record against the row, or a pending change commit with a negative line item (which may potentially reduce the Schedule Value after routing).

To add a breakdown to an SOV line

  1. Open the SOV sheet.
  2. Click the Rows button. The Rows window opens.
  3. Select an SOV line by clicking the checkbox. If you select an SOV line, the breakdown will be added to that line. If you select an existing breakdown, the new breakdown will be inserted directly below the existing breakdown.
  4. Click the Add Detail button. The Details window opens.
  5. Enter the Breakdown.
    • This will appear on the SOV sheet in the Breakdown column.
    • You can add an optional Description.
  6. Click OK. The breakdown is added to the sheet.
  7. Close the Rows window.
  8. You may need to click the plus (+) by the checkbox on the Rows window and on the SOV sheet to expand rows and display the breakdowns.

To delete a breakdown row

  1. Open the SOV sheet.
  2. Click the Rows button. The Rows window opens.
  3. Select one or more breakdown rows to delete.
  4. Click the Delete Detail button. Click Yes to confirm.

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023