Timesheet business process

Use the Timesheet business process to submit your time sheets. Actual hours and costs can be rolled up to the actuals summary sheets of the Resource Manager. The business process can also be designed to roll up costs to the project/shell cost sheet (Resource Actuals column).

The Timesheet business process:

Multiple Timesheet business processes can exist for a company. For example, a company may design one Timesheet business process to capture and roll up time (hours) only. Another time sheet type BP can be used to design a reconciliation business process that references the time sheet and is used to specify, modify, and roll up actuals costs.

The Timesheet business process is used to enter the actual hours you worked on each day. Time can be entered as regular work hours or over-time so that the appropriate billable rate can be applied. Time can be entered for company-level tasks, holidays, paid time off, and project or shell-level work. For billable activities, the billable rate is obtained from the role or from the project/shell booking (average booking rate), as applicable.

In addition to your own time sheet, a separate time sheet can be designed with a workflow schema that will accommodate someone else reporting your time on your behalf. For example, a company may allow a project manager or resource manager to report time for you.

If the Timesheet business process has been designed for line item entries, you can enter line items for time you spent on different types of work during a week, such as different projects. You could use other line items to report holidays, PTO, or company-level work.

The actual hours and corresponding costs from Timesheet business processes feed various sheets at the company and project/shell level, including company and project/shell actuals sheets, and company account and project/shell costs sheets.

To use a time sheet business process

Open a project, and launch the time sheet business process.

The Week Of required field is the limiting factor for the line items. The week begins on Sunday.

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023