Sent Items

The Sent Items sub-node of the Mailbox (shell) enables you to see the messages that you have sent.

The following toolbar options are displayed on the Sent Items page.

Toolbar Option



Enables you to create a new email.


The following option are displayed:


Clear Flag

Print: Choose from one of the following options: HTML, PDF, or Custom.

Delete: Delete one or more notifications.


To customize the view according to the following criteria:

  • Sent in last 7 days
  • Sent in last 30 days
  • Group by Origin
  • All items
  • Create New View...
  • Manage Views...

This sub-menu will also contain all views that you have created.

Refresh ( )

To refresh the log screen.

Print ( )

To print the contents of the log.

Edit View ( )

To edit the view of the log. You can edit the view of the following elements on your log:

  • Columns
  • Filters
  • Group By
  • Sort By

If you modify the view and do not save the changes, the system keeps the existing name and adds the word "Modify" to the existing name. You can click Clear to clear your selections.


To open the Search window and enter search parameters. You can search for drafts that are not currently displayed in the log.

Find on Page

The Find on Page option enables you to find items on the displayed page.

When you click the Find on Page option, the system inserts a new row that enables you to enter your filter parameters.


Note: For Project Mailbox replies, the From field of the external email received does not indicate the corresponding project mailbox email address; however, once you reply, the To field will contain the project mailbox email address, auto-populated.

The following columns and icons are displayed in the log:

When a sent record is selected from the log, the Record Details, Attachments, and Workflow tabs are displayed on the right pane.

From the Sent Items log, you can use the gear menu ( ) to perform the following actions: Open, Print - HTML, Print- PDF, Print - Custom, and Go to Origin.

See Also

Accessing Mailbox (Shells)




Project Mailbox (External Emails)

Deleted Items

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023