Custom Report Window (Views tab)

On the Views tab, you can:

To set additional views, used as data sets, follow these steps:

  1. On the Custom Reports window, click the Views tab.
  2. In the "Views used as data sets" section click Add to add a new row to the Views list.
  3. In the "View Name" column, from the drop-down list, select a view. The drop-down list displays the available published data views.

    In the "View Type" column, double-click the entry to make the cell editable, and select a view type from the drop-down list. You can select one view as the main view, only. The other views are sub-report views.

  4. In the "Data Set Name" column, double-click the cell to make it editable, and enter the name of the data set to which this view should belong.
  5. In the "Data Set" Tag column, double-click the cell to make it editable, and enter the tag for the data set.
  6. To add another view, repeat steps 1 to 5.

You can enter any number of data views for a custom report and group them into data sets.

After you have specified the data views and grouped them into data sets, you can link one data set to another in order to extract related information from multiple sources.

For translation-related information about Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher (BI Publisher or BIP) Reports, see the Unifier General Administration Guide.

Note: For External Data Model based reports, you cannot add or remove views.

You can create only one link level; that is, you can create one "sub-link." You cannot create another link under a sub-link.

To determine data links, follow these steps:

  1. In the Data links section of the window, click Add to open the Add Link window.
  2. In the Source Data Set field, select the name of the data set you want to link to another set. The selection list shows the data sets you created in the upper section of the Views tab.
  3. In the Source Element Name field, select the name of the field on the source data set that you want to map to the target data set.

    The element data type must match the data type of the target element; for example, you must match an integer to an integer, a string to a string.

  4. In the Target Data Set field, select the name of the data set the source data set should link to.
  5. In the Target Element field, select the name of the field on the target set that the source element field should map to.
  6. To add another link, click the Add button and repeat steps 2 to 5, or click OK to save the links the exit the Add Link window.
  7. Click Apply, and click OK to exit the Custom Report window.

Example for creating a data link:


View Name

View Type

Data Set Name

Data Set Tag



Main View





Sub Report View



At this point, set the relationship between the Main View and the Sub Report View that you have added.

  1. Go to the Data Links section and click Add.
  2. Link the ID field, from the Invoices Data View, to the RECORD_ID field, from the Invoices Line Item Data View.


    Source Data Set: inv

    Source Element Name: INV_ID

    Target Data Set: LineItem

    Target Element: INV_LI_RECORD_NO

  3. Click OK to add to add the link.
  4. Click Apply.

Last Published Friday, February 2, 2024