About Personal Information

Personal information (PI) is any piece of data which can be used on its own or with other information to identify, contact, or locate an individual or identify an individual in context. This information is not limited to a person's name, address, and contact details. For example, a person's IP address, phone IMEI number, gender, and location at a particular time could all be personal information. Depending on local data protection laws, organizations may be responsible for ensuring the privacy of PI wherever it is stored, including in backups, locally stored downloads, and data stored in development environments.

In Unifier, the custom data, which might include personal information, is also stored when a customer:

Personal information may be visible in multiple areas of the system, including but not limited to:

Personal information may be at risk of exposure in multiple areas of the system, including but not limited to:

Last Published Friday, February 2, 2024