Formatting Data

To format the data generated:

When you are finished, generate a PDF and repeat the process if necessary.

To change the formatting of the Price & Amount columns (for example, 110.0 > $110.00):

  1. Double-click on INV_LI_UNIT_PRICE (the code under the Unit Price field) to launch its BI Publisher properties.
  2. Change the Formatting Type to Number.
  3. Set the Formatting Format to $#,##0.00;($#,##0.00) (paste in the blue text).
  4. Repeat the preceding steps for the Amount column.

To add useful information, from the Upper Form of the Invoice, above the table:

Note: Tables are an efficient formatting tool for organizing data from the Upper Form. Include separate columns for the field name (align right) and the field value (align left). You can also hide the borders if you prefer.

  1. Create a 4-row and 2-column table and add field names.
  2. Place your cursor where the first inserted field value must be entered.
  3. Click the field icon (ab|Field) to open the field browser and add fields from your XML sample data.
  4. Add useful information such as Creator, Email, and Status (or other fields you added to your SQL statement) above your Line Item Table.
  5. Double-click on the correct field value from the Field window to add the Title to the report (for example, add Invoice title in the Title field).

To provide a "Total" for the amount column, using Invoice as an example:

  1. Right-Click somewhere in the last row of your Invoice Line Item table and select Insert > Insert Rows Below.
  2. Highlight all the columns in the new row, except for the last one, and Merge the cells (from the right-click menu).
  3. Click in the newly created cell and enter: Total
  4. Right-align the cell.
  5. Place your cursor into your last column of the new row.
  6. Click the field icon (ab|Field) to open the field browser and add fields from your XML sample data.
  7. Click Inv_Li_Amount column to highlight.
  8. Set the calculation (at the bottom) to Sum.
  9. Click Insert to add the calculation into the table.
  10. (Optional) Select the Total row and make the text bold.

Last Published Friday, February 2, 2024